Water, Water, No where!!

hareraising Posts: 25 Member
Does anyone else have this problem!! Before the surgery, I would drink tons of water....literally! But now I find it hard to get 8 glasses in a day. What are some of the things that you are doing to get your water in? I’m almost to the point that I should set and alarm on my phone to drink my water!


  • ragslittle
    ragslittle Posts: 176 Member
    Yes I struggle with it daily...I generally have a cup on my desk at all time, but most days I only get about 40 ounces - and thats a good day - when I was able to drink from a straw again really helped!...even though its a no no, but I don't have trouble with the air.
  • Susann1963
    Susann1963 Posts: 126 Member
    Just discovered Mio (also there is Crystal Light etc). Never thought I would need to use something like this, but it adds a touch of flavor to the water (depending how much you add of course). I try not to add too much because of the artificial sweetener component. Really makes drinking more pleasurable for me! Lemonade, Mango Peach etc!!
  • grim_traveller
    grim_traveller Posts: 627 Member
    Any kind of flavoring helps. I have a couple of 20 ounce Powerade Zeros every day too. And if you really need help, try some sugar free Jello, or sugar free popsicles. I'm pretty sure they put crack in those posicles, they are addictive. But if you are seriously short on water intake, all those extra ounces are a boost.
  • I try to eat a lot of "water" through my fruit. such as watermelon. I am usually so thirsty right after I eat but no other time.
  • grim_traveller
    grim_traveller Posts: 627 Member
    I try to eat a lot of "water" through my fruit. such as watermelon. I am usually so thirsty right after I eat but no other time.

    And this is part of the problem, because we can't drink right after we eat. Or at least, we really shouldn't.
  • hareraising
    hareraising Posts: 25 Member
    I think the hard part is that I have to wait 30min before and after i eat to drink anything. and by that time...im out the notidon tion drink anything.
  • grim_traveller
    grim_traveller Posts: 627 Member
    I think the hard part is that I have to wait 30min before and after i eat to drink anything. and by that time...im out the notidon tion drink anything.

    Exactly. Part of this is just habits and retraining ourselves. It's actually been the hardest thing for me to resist so far.
  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    I only struggled with water for the first few months post surgery. I have a 32oz jug I fill first thing in the AM then make my protein shake from the jug and drink the rest throughout the work day. I drink my second jug in the evening, admittedly most of it after running. I've had a couple of days when I just wasn't thirsty and so I only drank as much as my body seemed to want and since it happens infrequently I don't sweat it.
  • grim_traveller
    grim_traveller Posts: 627 Member
    I was just two months out the other day, and drinking is already easier, so it's nice to know it will continue to get better.

    You mix your protein drink with water? I tried that a couple of times, and it was pretty yucky. I use fat free milk, and it's very good with that.

    When you aren't thirsty, you don't sweat it. Very clever.
  • authormarieskye
    authormarieskye Posts: 64 Member
    Yeah i'm lucky if I get in 2 cups. I've been told to have the cup in front of me at work. Well I do that, and then I see that the damn cup is in my way so i move it. every time. The MIO things do help though
  • Onaughmae
    Onaughmae Posts: 873 Member
    It is finally getting easier. It was very hard in the beginning because I could only sip it. If I tried to drink it faster I found it made me sick. One thing that did help....I started drinking water at room temperature instead of cold. For some reason, I was able to tolerate it better. No worries...just get through this stage. It really does get better!
  • I haven't had any problems getting in my 64 oz a day. sometimes I can get more in and some times it is just 60.

    our support leader said to do it this way and it would be easier............

    20 oz in the AM
    30 oz in the afternoon
    10 at night

    this way you also do get up a lot during the night
  • pljohnson001
    pljohnson001 Posts: 50 Member
    A few years ago I read that people trying to limit caffeine could simply drink HOT water as it seemed to be almost as satisfying as tea or coffee. I tried that, and it is very true for me. I keep a hot pot near my desk and sip hot water all day long, and it's been relatively easy to keep up the water consumption.
  • hareraising
    hareraising Posts: 25 Member
    I haven't had any problems getting in my 64 oz a day. sometimes I can get more in and some times it is just 60.

    our support leader said to do it this way and it would be easier............

    20 oz in the AM
    30 oz in the afternoon
    10 at night

    this way you also do get up a lot during the night

    Thanks I like this idea of "Timed" water. maybe this will help!
  • I haven't had any problems getting in my 64 oz a day. sometimes I can get more in and some times it is just 60.

    our support leader said to do it this way and it would be easier............

    20 oz in the AM
    30 oz in the afternoon
    10 at night

    this way you also do get up a lot during the night

    Thanks I like this idea of "Timed" water. maybe this will help!

    well this was the easiest way to get water in. even if you take a 20 oz pop bottle and fill it with water 3 of those is 60 oz and that doesn't seem like a lot of water that way. lol
  • hareraising
    hareraising Posts: 25 Member
    Just discovered Mio (also there is Crystal Light etc). Never thought I would need to use something like this, but it adds a touch of flavor to the water (depending how much you add of course). I try not to add too much because of the artificial sweetener component. Really makes drinking more pleasurable for me! Lemonade, Mango Peach etc!!

    Ok....Somebody has been holding back on the Mio!!! I love it i got the blueberry, orange, and lemonade from a local discount store for $1.50 and thought I would try it. It gives the water a more full body taste. I think I will keep these in my purse.

    Thanks for the tip!
  • rachelboddy
    rachelboddy Posts: 115 Member
    Just out of curiosity, those of you who are getting in your 60 plus ounces of water a day, how many calories and grams of protein are you able to consume as well? I'm finding there are not enough hours in the day to get in everything they want me to... working on it though.
  • Just discovered Mio (also there is Crystal Light etc). Never thought I would need to use something like this, but it adds a touch of flavor to the water (depending how much you add of course). I try not to add too much because of the artificial sweetener component. Really makes drinking more pleasurable for me! Lemonade, Mango Peach etc!!

    Ok....Somebody has been holding back on the Mio!!! I love it i got the blueberry, orange, and lemonade from a local discount store for $1.50 and thought I would try it. It gives the water a more full body taste. I think I will keep these in my purse.

    Thanks for the tip!

    that and sugar free anything is good. where I live the store has their own version of MIO and it is cheaper.
  • I find this topic interesting as I was going to post a related question. I saw my PCP today and I'm trying to do anything I can to get ready for surgery even though I haven't figured out how to pay for it yet. One of the things my doc said was to cut out all soft drinks, diet and regular, as well as all artificial sweeteners. New research is showing that consumers are putting on weight with these products and they don't know why. Particularly since they are supposed to do the opposite. I'm not big on water but my family and I decided to cut these items cold turkey, but what's left? I'm trying Celestial Seasonings Herbal caffeine free flavored teas without sweetener but not much better than water. Anyone have ideas?
  • mandyabraio
    mandyabraio Posts: 112 Member
    I have/am wondered about this! I too drink tons and tons of water ALWAYS have even if I wasn't dieting it's my ONLY drink...LOVE water....My surgery is Nov. 5th and I am wondering how to get 8 glasses in!!