melathon Member


  • My name is Melanie and I used to run marathons. "Used to," and hopefully will again after I lose more weight!
  • To add to what's been said, I use it so I can reach the 141 grams of protein my trainer says I have to eat every day. According to her, when you're losing weight, you have to ensure that you get enough protein to keep yourself from losing lean body mass. The goal is to lose fat only and keep your lean body mass. If it…
  • And you WILL do this! You CAN and you WILL! I also lost a lot before my wedding--it's a great motivator! Good luck. This is a very supportive community, but just as importantly, the food diary is an amazing tool. Set up your goals and go for it!
  • I was feeling very similar to the way you described and two things helped me. One may have nothing to do with your situation (I stopped taking one of my meds) but the other was B12. My doctor suggested it, so I got a bottle of B-complex that was very high in B12. For me, it made an almost night-and-day difference!
  • I know, I know! I've untagged myself for that reason. But I'd also like to point out that you're the SMALLEST one in that photo. :wink:
  • Yes--this worked for me, too. I did MFP a couple years ago and stuck to the 1200 (plus all the exercise) calories. I did lose weight, but I was absolutely starving all the time. (My BMR is 1750; that probably has a lot to do with it). I now have a trainer and she has put me on 1875 calories/day and it's wonderful. I'm…
  • This is very helpful:
  • Welcome, Remy! I'm in a similar situation. I know it's hard to have been fit and healthy and then be...not fit and healthy! I'm also tall (5'10) and people say, "Oh, you don't look like you weigh over 200#" but I know how I used to feel and I want to feel that way again. Oh, and if you have to snack while cooking (I do,…
  • I'm in. Good luck to all of us!
  • Regarding your food question, here's what works for me and has always worked: Breakfast: Oatmeal (plain) with brown sugar (sometimes cinnamon, too) and soy milk, coffee with half n half and sugar (I did learn to drink it black but now I'm back to the half n half and it's just something I really enjoy) Snack: Hard boiled…
  • I just made my first turkey stock last night, and I'm going to make this for dinner tonight. Yum! Thanks for all the turkey recipes.
  • What keeps me motivated: Not wanting to outgrow all my clothes like I did two years ago :angry: Wanting to be healthy for the rest of my life Knowing that my running and cycling will improve the lighter I am Logging in everything I eat keeps me honest (even today, when, even though we're not having our Thanksgiving dinner…
  • Yep - just enjoy tomorrow and Friday is a new day. I just logged on to confess that I just got back from my big Thanksgiving shopping trip and as I was putting away the groceries, I heard a little voice. It was the can of French's french fried onions saying, "EAT ME!!! WE'RE SALTY AND FRIED--WHAT COULD BE BETTER?" and I…
  • Some excellent and well-known classics are any books by the Moosewood Restaurant: I also found this list which looks like it has some varied and decent stuff: Personally, since I'm impatient and like to do more eating and less preparing to eat (I'm…
  • Leslie, I just read your profile and saw the date on your wedding picture...CONGRATULATIONS on your recent marriage!:heart: :smile: And you've also just started nursing school, which is another big, new thing in your life--lots of changes right now! (A few months ago I also got married, bought a house, and moved to a new…
  • Great challenge. I am now at 179 and would love to be below 175 by Christmas (incidentally, that's the weight below which the Red Cross does not allow women to do a double red blood cell donation--my hope is that next time when they ask I'll have to say, "Gosh, I'd love to but I just don't weigh enough!"). :smile:
  • I will always have the image in my head of what Oprah Winfrey did on her show sometime in the late 80's or early 90's---she had recently lost something like 65 pounds, so she put 65 pounds of FAT (who knows where she got it? I think it was beef...) in a red wagon and pulled it onto the stage. Talk about gross! It was a…
  • So I finally updated my Ticker to reflect what I actually weighed when I started MFP; not what I weighed at my first weigh-in (only 5 lbs more, but still--the visual progress on the Ticker is powerful!). That, plus what I've lost this week, is really building back my belief that maybe...just maybe...I will someday see the…
  • Think that's funny--you should hear them all on Saturday nights when the fat cell that looks like Joan Baez leads them all in a rousing rendition of "We Shall Not Be Moved"!! :laugh: [/quote] :laugh: That's hysterical. Wait - I think I hear my tummy and thighs singing selections from various Big Hair Bands of the 80's.…
  • Well, I'm in Toledo now (and what the @#$! is up with 20-degree weather in November???!!)... but I grew up in GA - lived there until I was 18. So, y'all - I'm here! :smile:
  • Those shoes are BANGIN'! (Get it, bangin'?) :blushing: Sorry. But seriously, congratulations on the 10 lbs and enjoy the shoes!
  • Also - beans. Beans are super food for vegetarians. Low in fat, high in protein, etc. Nuts as well. I find myself eating nuts and beans almost every day. (Eggs, too, unless you're going vegan.) :drinker:
  • Good luck! Welcome to MFP. :flowerforyou:
  • Gosh...couldn't you have sprung for the slippers with wings??? :laugh:
  • 2406 + my 16 = 2422. :smile: Way to go, Us!
  • You're welcome! In general, it's not that their food is not nutritious (it's not fried or anything); it's just that the portions are kind of large, so the calorie counts tend to be high. The Vegetarian sub is my favorite, but with mayo it's calorie count is horrendous and without it's ok. :-) Here's a link to their…
  • I also love Jimmy John's, but yeah, the mayo has tons of calories. What I do is get them to spread avocado on it instead. Sure, it adds calories, too, but 1.) not nearly as many, and 2.) it's very tasty!
  • First of all - like someone else said - you just gave birth a few months ago, so please don't be too hard on yourself. Second, if you haven't, please read Banks's posts for newbies. Not that you're terribly new, but it's great to remind ourselves of these things:…
  • I'm so sorry. You are in my thoughts. :flowerforyou: