I suffer from this too! Hazelnuts, green apples, carrots, and nectarine / peaches are the worst. I can eat them in a fruit saled however if I have poured orange juice over them and:happy: left for a couple of hours. Cherries were the worst offenders but can eat them in yogurt. xx
Thankyou for all of your replies! Makes me feel much more positive and optimistic that I will be able to keep up the wieght loss and the swimming! Just got back from 40 lengths and feel great! xx
*meant to be 2nd Jan obviously. A stone in a day WOULD be impressive!!!!!!,
I've just made a huge pan of veg chilli with sweet potato, aubegine, cauli, cabbage, tomatoes, chilli, herbs and spices and basically left overs from my veg drawer. I am going to serve it tonight with a mix of quinoa and bulgur wheat. Also use quinoa for feta salads x
Wow, lovely ideas. Thanks! Ingredients I don't yet have but am going to get! Looking forward to trying these out and I LOVE pad thai!
Wow! Thank you SO much for all taking the time to reply. I have LOADS of ideas here and many that I would definitely not have thought of! Also nice to know people still losing and eating occasional cheese! This should keep me in recipes for the term already! I just find that when tried to be healthy / on diets before, I…
What a coincidence! I have just returned from my first go on my bike for a couple of years! Only did 35 mins but it's a start!