

  • I exercise 1-3 hours of cardio p6 days per week plus lift weights plus swim and eat any where from 1300-1600 caleries. I am 56... post menopausal and I loosse inches mostly... not weight.
  • You are gaining muscle and it weighs more!!!! Check the inches you loose as opposed to the weight!!!!!!!!!!!! i lost 14 pounds adn 15 inches. I
  • I just did my measurements.....Dispite only losing 4.5 pounds I have lost a total of 9 inches and people can see me thining out. This has made me concious of portion control and nutition. I reved up my life with a few fitness classes through the community newsletter and discovered some very knowledagble people to help me…
  • If you drink too much you flush out more than water. craving extra ordinary amounts of water is a sign something is wrong such as diabeties or even cancer as your body craves to wash out the toxin be it sugar or cancer. I know this from experience. I was drinking over a gallon/ day and it was my first cue something was…
  • I used to be a tri and lost weight like crazy as I could not keep up with the output of caleries. Everyone who tris sems to have the same problem, trying to eat enough to keep up with the out put. . Do make sure you get your protein in to build muscles. I can no longer do the tri training due to a back injury but got onto…