

  • <<DOH!>> Congrats to you! (and I do mean that with all respect.)
  • To the lady in Wal-Mart with 6 screaming kids... If you are wondering about the extra large box of condoms you found in your shopping cart... you are welcome.
  • Measure all the walls in the room/rooms you want to paint. take H x W = area. Add all the total areas up to get a total Square Footage for the room/s. Then go to your local paint store and tell them that total sq footage. They will then tell you how much paint to buy. My mom was a painter for years, and one piece of advice…
  • So, I read a lot... probably more than I should. Anyway, one of the articles I read not to long ago was saying that any aritficial sweetener is "bad" for you. Take out the chemical compounds that create these things and their health risks, and consider this. According to the article, when you use a fake sugar, you trick…
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