

  • Amen! Sometimes I think the ones who do not acknowledge our Lord is afraid to because of the lives they are living. Blessings and keep up the great job!!
  • I always had to exercise to battle weight even while young and I know how you feel. I never was a thinny mini and never wanted to be. I am now 55 and still battling. I wish I could have taken control at an early age as you did. I suffer from depression but so far even though it runs in my family have not been diagnosed…
  • Thank You I am going to check this out.:smile:
  • Thank you for the encouragement to us. I am so proud of your loss. Keep up the fantastic work!! I have quite a bit to lose and need help. I don't have support at home because it is just my grandaughter and myself. Nobody at work is overweight and doesn't understand what it is like to emotionally eat. They are good people…
  • Oops - maybe I read this wrong. Do you mean how do you count calories that you are going to record. I am going to check out the tools tab to see if it has a calorie chart. I am going to read package labels before I buy and try to stay on the outside aisles of the grocery store. Everything I read says that the outside has…
  • I am just starting but when I put my weight, etc. in it gave me a calorie count. I pray to God this site helps me cuz I need to lose or be unhealthy the rest of my life. Best Wishes for you and all! I don't have a picture because I need a camera.
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