spankythewondermonkey Member


  • i use: vibram 5 finger bikila's for tarmac (and the gym) 2 pairs of vibram 5 finger spyridon's for trail / cross country
  • apologies all. i've just re-read the original post and had mistakenly assumed that the initial question was in relation to weight loss and not just general exercise. my reply was orientated around losing weight, which was my reason for using MFP.
  • i guess so. i only used the mfp app to count calories on 600 cal fast days.
  • nope, wasn't trolling. i did say "it's personal preference" and "i personally", and i'm male btw. just because my viewpoint is different to others doesn't make any of us right or wrong. just different. in years gone by, i'd exercise then eat back what i thought i'd burned off. this resulted in no weight loss simply because…
  • as tk has said, there are no calories in water. you are gaining water mass and that's it. water is a good thing, as long as you are not drinking *too* much and stripping electrolytes from the body. gaining a couple of pounds of water is nothing to be concerned about as you'll pee out the excess or lose it as sweat whilst…
  • it's personal preference. if you want to lose weight, then i don't see the point of shovelling the calories you've worked off back into the body. you get to see it as a reward and it will probably slow or stall your weight loss. weight loss is simply calories in < calories out. the bigger the delta, the faster you'll lose…
  • i started running 15 months ago having hated it for the previous 44 years of my life. did my first timed 5k race (parkrun) dec 2012 and am in training for my first ultra marathon this march. the biggest thing to get right with running is learning how to run. sounds dumb, cos everyone knows how to run right? wrong! i…
  • i usually train through colds. that said i've only had one that developed in the last 18 months. mostly when i get the tickle in the back of the throat, i hit the gym hard and that usually kills it before it's gotten hold. when i do train with a cold, i reduce the intensity. i also find that getting out of the gym is…
  • if you are getting shin splints then i'd guess that you are heel striking when you run. check out you tube for 'pose running' which will show you how to forefoot / midfoot strike. be warned though that it will murder your calves to begin with, so keep the distances short (< 0.25 miles) and gradually build up from there…