

  • >It's easy to only look for research that support one's existing views; it's a mistake that many of us make, including scientists. It's called confirmation bias - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confirmation_bias . I am aware of it and try to do my best to avoid it by seeking out sources of information that contradict my…
  • >Cholesterol in our bodies is not increased by dietary fat. I used to believe this until I personally tested it. Nov, 2011-May 2012 I added coconut oil to my generally high fat diet (50%-60% of calories - I estimate about 25% of calories were from saturated fat, about half from coconut oil). LDL=182 June-July, 2012 I…
  • Personally I would be very careful with coconut oil. I started experimenting with it last November on the advice of a friend. I ate it daily mostly replacing the olive oil I had previously used to pan fry the veggies I like to eat in the morning. I gained about 5 lbs over 5 months and watched my LDL shoot to the sky (182).…
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