Coconut Oil results?

Hi everyone,

I am starting to incorporate extra virgin coconut oil into my diet. I used it a bit to cook and put a little in my coffee so far. I would like some feedback as to if it has really worked for anyone in flattening the stomach a bit, or in any other ways. Also, what results can I expect to see? Wondering if it's worth the calories, that's all. I'm not taking that much yet so before I up the amount I want to know if it's worth missing out on a snack.


  • lkcuts
    lkcuts Posts: 224
    I don't know about flattening the stomach, but watched a documentary where a female doctor's husband was diagnosed with alzheimers, could not do a calender or draw a time on a clock etc. She studied on natural ways to help and found that pure coconut oil,in 30 days totally reversed the symptoms. They, however showed her putting a lot of the stuff in everything he ate. He wasn't over weight or gained weight even during its useage. Certain oils like this are good for you in many ways, rather than hydrogentive oils and fats. Coconut oil had a bad rap about the LDL's, but come to find out the pure kind, produces the healthy LDL, not the bad .

    I have started using it in small quantities (teaspoons, as it goes a long way in melting) and also if I fry potatoes add it to recipes rather than butter, etc.. I feel it is worth it..what I have seen on the diary's it depends how much you use of it that adds the cals. You have to figure, not all of it is being saturated into the food you eat, just some of it.. plus, if you are like me, i dab extra fat off on anything I eat thats fried..Go for it. Couldn't hurt to see! Good luck
  • kleinpete
    Personally I would be very careful with coconut oil. I started experimenting with it last November on the advice of a friend. I ate it daily mostly replacing the olive oil I had previously used to pan fry the veggies I like to eat in the morning.

    I gained about 5 lbs over 5 months and watched my LDL shoot to the sky (182). I switched back to olive oil and generally avoided most other saturated fat (mainly cheese) and my LDL came back down to 99 in about 6 weeks. The weight finally dropped back down after another 5 months. Although I will admit I really liked the taste of the stuff and probably used more than I realized.

    Regarding good vs. bad LDL (large particle vs. small), from a practical standpoint there really isn't any good form of LDL. There is just bad and less bad. The link between heart disease and LDL is well established. Google familial hyperlipidemia if you want to know how doctors began to figure this out. There are other causes of heart disease (e.g., smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc), but high LDL is still a major factor.

    If you want to know what the various types of fat will do to your cholesterol, this is a pretty good summery.

    Effects of fats and fatty acids on blood lipids in humans an overview

    Please note coconut oil is among the worst (see Table 2).

    However you don't have to take my word on this. It is pretty trivial to run the same experiment I did. If your insurance won't pay for a cholesterol test, you should be able to find one for about $25 in many places. Contact your county health department or look online for a testing service. It takes about 6-8 weeks to see the results of a major diet change. If you can keep your LDL under 100 (assuming you are not taking any cholesterol meds), it is probably relatively safe to continue to eat it.
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Coconut oil (or any other singular food product) will not flatten your stomach.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    ^ This. The ideas of "MUFAS" flattening stomachs is "Women's World" type advice. The only thing that can flatten your stomach is reducing body fat (with strengthening your core). Healthier eating comes with that, obviously, and I know there's enough research supporting other health benefits of coconut oil.

    I don't know about the cholesterol, but I've read enough on the endocrine benefits (specifically thyroid and adrenal) that come from a little bit of coconut oil.

    Unfortunately, I'm allergic to coconut, so I don't think I'll be testing it out soon.
  • Cstye417
    Cstye417 Posts: 2 Member
    i put it on my food daily. 1 tsp at lunch and 1 tsp at dinner. It helps add healthy calories. Ive actually lost 3 lbs since i started using it.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Coconut oil (or any other singular food product) will not flatten your stomach.

    Ditto. There is no, and never will be, a magic spot reducing food.
  • taylor5877
    taylor5877 Posts: 1,792 Member
    Personally I would be very careful with coconut oil. I started experimenting with it last November on the advice of a friend. I ate it daily mostly replacing the olive oil I had previously used to pan fry the veggies I like to eat in the morning.

    I gained about 5 lbs over 5 months and watched my LDL shoot to the sky (182). I switched back to olive oil and generally avoided most other saturated fat (mainly cheese) and my LDL came back down to 99 in about 6 weeks. The weight finally dropped back down after another 5 months. Although I will admit I really liked the taste of the stuff and probably used more than I realized.

    Regarding good vs. bad LDL (large particle vs. small), from a practical standpoint there really isn't any good form of LDL. There is just bad and less bad. The link between heart disease and LDL is well established. Google familial hyperlipidemia if you want to know how doctors began to figure this out. There are other causes of heart disease (e.g., smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc), but high LDL is still a major factor.

    If you want to know what the various types of fat will do to your cholesterol, this is a pretty good summery.

    Effects of fats and fatty acids on blood lipids in humans an overview

    Please note coconut oil is among the worst (see Table 2).

    However you don't have to take my word on this. It is pretty trivial to run the same experiment I did. If your insurance won't pay for a cholesterol test, you should be able to find one for about $25 in many places. Contact your county health department or look online for a testing service. It takes about 6-8 weeks to see the results of a major diet change. If you can keep your LDL under 100 (assuming you are not taking any cholesterol meds), it is probably relatively safe to continue to eat it.

    I had my cholesterol checked recently after eating 1-2 tablespoons/day of extra virgin coconut oil for about 3 weeks. It had ballooned all the way up to 135 (only got total measured)... And my entire immediate family (including 33 y/o sister) takes cholesterol meds.
  • lunamare
    lunamare Posts: 569 Member
    Coconut oil seems to be the new "good oil" that everyone is talking about. A few years back it was olive oil and grapeseed oil. I have all 3 and use all 3 depending on what I'm using it for. To me, fat is fat is fat, I've been using what makes what I'm cooking taste the best.
  • neilegni
    It's great as a leave in conditioner! Makes my hair super soft and manageable. ;)
  • MVY_
    MVY_ Posts: 253 Member
    I'm using it and husband and I haven't noticed anything different about it yet.
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    If I started using coconut oil the missus would be asking me if i was stripping on the weekends lol
  • Anna800
    Anna800 Posts: 638 Member
    It's great as a leave in conditioner! Makes my hair super soft and manageable. ;)
    That's how use it.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    you aren't gonna see anything noticeable from it.

    It's good in the mornings if you're not eating much. I add it to my coffee to get good fats and feel satisfied for a bit.
  • sionnain
    Coconut oil might be better than OTHER kinds of oils (not all other kinds of oils) but what's it doing in your coffee? It will not spot reduce; oil is still oil. It's just a smarter choice than some alternatives.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Is this safe to use with latex??!
  • Becca_007
    Becca_007 Posts: 596 Member
    I find it works well for baking healthier recipes that I now make. has some awesome recipes that include that. I've never gained weight from it or had any other issues, I too simply see it as an alternative to other oils, depends on what I'm baking/cooking.

    I no longer bake the way I did in the old days but pick healthy recipes and make single servings or 3-4 ingredient recipes.

    I think everyone covered the flat stomach myth, I've read a lot about Coconut Oil but never heard that one before.

    Also those with already existing conditions of high blood pressure might be affected much differently than some of the rest of us.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    Coconut oil might be better than OTHER kinds of oils (not all other kinds of oils) but what's it doing in your coffee? It will not spot reduce; oil is still oil. It's just a smarter choice than some alternatives.

    I use coconut milk in my coffee.
    I'm on a carbohydrate backloading protocol, so I don't eat carbs early in the day. So I have coffee with coconut milk (0 carbs). The fats give you a feeling of satisfaction without spiking insulin.............

    That's why it's in my coffee. Aside from the fact that olive oil or something similar would be atrocious in coffee.
  • lunamare
    lunamare Posts: 569 Member

    That's why it's in my coffee. Aside from the fact that olive oil or something similar would be atrocious in coffee.

    OMG! I can't even begin to imagine how disgusting that would be. Now...with spices and a nice piece of italian bread I'd be temped to eat olive oil "raw".....
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    It's great as a leave in conditioner! Makes my hair super soft and manageable. ;)
    That's how use it.

    This. Works wonders for your hair. :) Smells great too.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    I've taken shots of olive oil. not the best.........but I can't imagine it in my coffee.