LCastile Member


  • 50 and loving it!!! Add me if you'd like! :smile:
  • Hi I am able to walk/run for 60 minutes on a treadmill and burn 800+ calories so I consider myself to be in very good cardio shape. The eliptical is a different story - can barely finish 15 minutes. I'ive heard that it's best to mix up your workouts so I suggest starting out slowing on this machine. Maybe look at settings…
  • I believe what you're talking about is interval training and just read an article at my gym that type of workout will burn more calories faster than a steady rate/incline. I've been doing this the last few months and burn close to 900 calories in an hour. I notice others around me burning a lot less calories per time.
  • you're making headway - or as I like to say, you're definitely winning. I would keep this personal, challenge yourself to be the best that you can be and that's all that's important.
  • I derail my weight loss goals in the evening too. I've noticed that I'm able to fight temptation if I get busy doing something positive instead of watching television - get a set of light weights or a kettlebell; it's hard to eat when your hands are filled. I wish you success in your journey; this is all about a transition…
  • I don't drink much anymore but definitely log the calories when I do... a shaker of margaritas was 391 calories which can make or break your day. My motto is to work hard, play hard but exercise harder and it's working. I only show a minor weight loss on this site but had lost 20 plus pounds before I found it. BTW Dallas -…
  • I have a scale that measures body fat; as I've been losing weight it has dropped from 52.2 % to 45.9% with a 12 pound weight loss. I want to lose 15 more pounds and hope I can meet that 15 % drop in body fat as well. Thank you to everyone for your quick responses!!! I appreciate your help!
  • I find that morning workouts are best for me too! I spend the entire day invigorated and feeling happy that i've made another day toward my fitness goals. I am too easily distracted during the workday and it causes too many excuses not to go in the evening.