hrcc2000 Member


  • My favorite breakfast is a green smoothie 1oz avocado .5oz cream cheese 1/2 scoop unflavored protein powder 1 pastured egg frozen strawberries 3.0 ounces 1 stevia packet That's around 300 calories or so when I add in the coffee and 1/2 and 1/2. Today I had 1.5oz roasted butternut squash pureed, 1 egg, 1 tablespoon chia…
  • The fitbit flex was a waste of money IMO. If i sat in my rocking chair and rocked, it counted steps.
  • If I want a snack candy, I'll put the numbers into MFP. If it's too high or if I can substitute something else, that might work. Example: I wanted a "fun sized" pack of Peanut M&Ms the other day. After looking at how many calories, etc that little pack had, I decided to eat a teaspoon of crunchy peanut butter instead. All…
  • You should make your patties, flash freeze them flat on a baking sheet that you've lined with parchment paper. Once the patties are frozen, pop them off the baking sheet, wrap individually in parchment paper and put into a ziploc freezer bag. As for chili and soups, I typically will freeze them in ziploc gallon bags that I…
  • Best scenario, eat a good meal before your shift. If you get stuck there longer than you were supposed to or you work a double, the grilled chicken sandwich without the bun or fries would probably be a good choice. It's only 150 calories and 3 carbs without the bun. Check out the meal builder website:…
  • You could always make some almond meal blueberry muffins or almond meal banana bread. There's a coconut flour banana bread that is really good. I make a ricotta cheese hot "cereal" that is to die for. You could make low-carb cheesecakes in small jelly jars and have a week's worth in the fridge for breakfast. Search…
  • 1. To run the entire 5k 2. Unassisted bar pullup 3. Size 8 in jeans
  • I work in an all girls' college prep high school. Every year in May, the duties of graduation fall upon me and everyone is so stressed out. I don't have my usual support group to fall back on because we are all stressed. I always gain 7-10 during Apr/May/Jun and when I get serious again in July is it so much harder to lose…
  • I second (and third) the suggestion of thrift stores. I just bought a pair of jeans in a smaller size this weekend. I don't think I'll wear them long. I hope to get the next size down soon!
  • There are plenty of youtube videos for workouts, some are really great. You could do crossfit type of exercise or some sort of aerobics or even yoga. You don't need weights or anything for some of them. What about going to the gym straight after work? All that other stuff will still be there an hour later and you'll be…
  • Avocado in a smoothie will give you that creamy, ice cream type of flavor. You really don't taste it, but it will color your drink green. If you're going to use raw eggs, I beg of you to buy organic, pastured eggs or eggs from someone who raises chickens that you know and trust the animal husbandry. I make a green smoothie…
  • My husband, son, and I have been doing a HIIT 90 challenge. We all modify it to fit our needs. They are so much stronger than me, so I do what I can, they do what they can, and we all get the workouts done 5 days per week. I've only lost about 8lbs, but I am SO MUCH stronger than I ever have been. I'm holding off on…