Try to stay busy on the weekends. More activity=less eating. It helps when you aren't surrounded by food.
I have a Precor elliptical from Chicago Home Fitness. You can get a pretty decent one from most department stores though (Sears, Target, Sam's Club/Costco) for a good price. I would recommend getting one with arm levers though since you get a better workout.
I put a splash of coffee and sprinkle of cinnamon-makes it richer :) But I normally don't drink coffee!
I am a spin instructor and classes typically run 45-60 min depending on the gym. It is a great workout-mostly because it challenges your body in a way it isn't used to everyday.-so a great way to change it up and cross-train. However, if you only did spin everyday as your workout, your body would get used to it and…
Rum and diet coke
I used to have the same problem and saw it frequently with training clients. Normally, the reason we lose are will-power and self-control in the evening is because we haven't had enough during the day to satisfy us. Meaning if you eat a good breakfast and lunch with lean protein and fiber it will sustain you and your body…
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