Arturo Fuentes makes a very good line of cigars. They are moderately expensive but very consistent. Your best bet is to go to a local cigar store, one that has a walk in humidor, and ask the manager for recomendations.
Congratulations great self esteem you've earned.
Try listening to books on tape while you work out. I swim about 40 minutes a day. Until I got myself a water proof iPod I couldn't stay in the water I was bored. Now I get into the book I'm listening to and it keeps me swimming.
I make myself a thinlybsliced apple with peanut butter on it
Hi, it's a good site if you use it. I find just the awareness of how many calories I am consuming particularly against the goals I have set, provides an aid to my self control. I am realizing more than ever that controlling my weight is very important to my health and can only be done by limiting how much I eat. The good…