

  • Is it possible it is just your bone structure? I am an 'apple' or 'banana' but now that I am closer to my goal weight, I have discovered my hip bones are rather wide, but I just don't carry much weight on them, so even after I reach goal (about 20 more lb to go), I will probably only go down maybe one more pant size, which…
  • That does make sense, thanks! I started in March using diet to go and they recommend their 1300 calorie plan for women. I didn't know any better so I went with that and followed to a T. Since I lost weight so well, when I cancelled the plan (due to cost) and started counting calories I figured 1300 must be a good number to…
  • I'm 5'2-3 (always thought I was 5'3, friend measured and said 5'2 lol), my highest ever was 220, when I started I was 200 and a veerry tight 18. I am about 144 and size 9. My goal is 130 then I'll reevaluate to see if I still need to lose more. p.s. I've never posted pics, I hope I get this right. :)
  • I used DTG for 3-4 months and was really happy with it. I only cancelled due to the cost. That being said, I liked the fact that unlike nutrisystem, which I tried in the past, they include ALL of the food. Not half and then you get the order and realize you have to go spend money on all sorts of veggies and fruits as well.…
  • I started in mid-March. I tell everyone I started at 200 but technically was 210, the first 10 was water weight and dropped literally overnight so I never even counted it. The first few months, I was using Diet to Go, I loved it! The food was good (IMO) and all totally measured and portioned out to be 1300 calories. The…
  • Be careful with pills! I let a coworker talk me into taking some diet pills last year. I did not lose a pound (didn't change eating habits) but man they gave me so much energy, I loved it! Problem is, they also made me insanely moody, I was mad ALL the time. Finally, I did more research and found out they are very similar…
  • I only skimmed through the replies so I hope I'm not being redundant. That being said, when my brother brought up my weight (and I was overweight but not morbidly so), it did not make me rush out to be Miss Healthy. It made me not want to talk to my brother. One side comment took me a long time to forgive. Several years…
  • I just made these and they are awesome! I tweaked the recipe a bit. My 'batter' came out more like a thick dough (maybe it was the oats I used? I used the irish steel cut kind), I could hardly even stir it, so I added an extra 1/2 c. pumpkin and 1/2 c. apple sauce to moisten it. I also added about 1/8 c. splenda and an…