

  • I get that too! Even straight after breakfast I want sweets! (like right now!) The thing is, when I eat a bit, like you, I then get a bit demotivated and just have loads and then you feel even worse, hence the cycle! You have to allow yourself a little bit as a treat, plan it in maybe and we won't feel so guilty!
  • Woah! 13lbs, that's really amazing! You just have to think about how great you feel now. I know when I lose weight it changes how I feel about everything! I want to go out more, feel more confident and generally feel much happier. If you put it back on you might go into a bit of a downhill spiral! Kate Moss once said…
  • As you probably know, it's better not to. They say breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper! Just because your body will absorb more of the fats etc if you are in bed/watching tv! But you will lose weight anyway if you are eating less than you are burning up :)
  • LOVE that quote about the HARD! Thanks!