mommymeepa Member


  • I'm back to using it again and seeing the difference in my weight loss. I love the bar code scanner. I know when I don't track I don't see the results I want. It is good for me to be back in routine of tracking. The first week of the challenge was rough, but I think I am 10 days in a row now. Yay me!!
  • What a cool idea to make your own. I can't really help you with advice, but can't wait to see pictures when you are done.
  • This comment was meant for jofjltncb6
  • I've seen you post on other threads as well. You crack me up.
  • Put one foot forward a little and the other one back andmove front to back not in a circular motion. Also, the bigger the hoop the easier it is cause it doesn't have to move as fast. Good Luck. It's a lot of fun.
  • The bigger the hoop the easier it is to learn. My hoop is actually called THE BIG BERTHA. I go to a hooping/dance/aerobics class. I bought my hoop from them. It is offered twice a week and I try to go both days, but mainly go once. It is amazing. My heart rate is up the whole time and it is a lot of fun. They actually do…
  • I didn't have time to read all the comments, so don't know if someone said this or not. Due to having Crohn's Disease I cannot eat a lot of fresh produce for various reasons. I only eat canned veggies and fruit for the most part. I get veggies with no salt added and fruit either in liquid or no sugar added syrup. Fresh is…
  • First of all, I commend you for wanting to get healthy. It is so important to want to do this for yourself. I also applaud you for having friends that want to help. Support is so important. However, I would be careful giving your diet over to them or anyone. It is very strict and unrealistic. That is not enough calories.…