Paul_Collyer Member


  • I am marathon training so have to eat some carbs but am finding a ratio of 35% carbs ok. And yes I always notice a spike in weight the day after I eat more carb heavy, which is clearly water retention. I do find that reducing carbs to this level as well as keeping sugar under control has improved my weight loss and reduced…
  • I have learnt an amazing amount from just over 2 years using MFP on and off. Stuff I had literally no idea about before, when I was fat through sheer ignorance. Calories, nutrients, balancing carbs, fat, plus what sort of exercise one needs to maintain etc. So I am confident that I can put MFP down and keep things under…
  • Big difference between "giving up" sugar and "controlling" it.... Controlling it generally means you consume it but not at the expense of compromising your nutritional needs and calorie target......personally I have found this approach productive. And of course everyone has to indulge once in a while anyway.
  • I reduced it when I came back onto MFP after the summer and have lost quicker than in the same period the year before when I didnt really track it. But by reducing it, I mean I still eat fresh fruit in the mornings, dairy, and of course the odd treat. I think the best aspect is that reducing it leaves more space for…
  • Don't want to hijack the thread, but I guess it is relevant as CICO is helped by less sugar. So my answer would be, my body gets enough energy from the other carbs I eat including fresh fruit, breads, some rice and pasta, as well as the protein and fat. I find if I keep my added sugars down I have more calories left from…
  • Stevia instead of sugar will always be less calories regardless of your day. I could work sugar instead of stevia in tea into my day, but I'd have to eat less of something else and most probably have more hunger issues. Unnecessary added sugar is, IMO, like alcohol, an empty calorie. Nice as a treat but if you want to eat…
  • Ah yes but a tasty dessert without the sugar calories = bigger calorie deficit ;-)
  • I got one of these as an Ocado sampler the other day - the salted caramel one. Bloody lovely!
  • I would ask the same. Why does anyone who wants to try to play around with their macros on here come under the Spanish inquisition each time they post? ;-)
  • Oh yeah, exclusion would be painful, and probably counter productive! And I believe the advantage of fresh fruit over refined sugar is that the fibre improves the way the body handles the sugar, or something? I mean, my 60g of sugars a day tends to get me: = around 200g of fresh fruit plus 100g of plain full fat yoghurt…
  • Blimey people don't half get wound up on this subject! I'm standing by my opinion based on the evidence of the last couple of years using MFP, that *for me*, I lose more effectively from the same deficit when I adjust my macros slightly away from carbs and sugar and towards fat. Whether that means sugar is to be avoided…
  • So you agree with me ;-) ( I was obv. referring to the flavoured ones as opposed to plain - should have been clearer! )
  • Of course. I go for full fat plain/greek and add fresh fruit.
  • Well I mean some yoghurts have sugars added to them to compensate for the reduced fat in terms of taste, as I understand it. If there is a low fat yoghurt that doesnt do this and calories are at a premium that's another matter, although for taste I'd always go full fat and save elsewhere :-)
  • I always look at the last 7 days, rather than the current week. Keeps you on your toes week round, but still with leeway day to day!
  • I was always told to up my resistance training alongside cardio, but I'm a bit lazy when it comes to the gym so can't say for sure if it would have helped but the science is sound so maybe try to add that in? What I can say is that for the first 6 months of MFP I combined walking and a modest net calorie deficit and lost…
  • This is the problem with weekly weighing. If you weigh on a fluctuation day you have a week to sweat over it. Do it every day or most days and plot the trend, IMHO.
  • When I started this over 2 years ago I logged *everything* for around 9 months, and got the worst of my weight off. Even if I went way over, that was fine as long as the week averaged out ok. But now I do have days when I don't log, eg weekends, or even weeks - eg summer, hols, Xmas etc. But that is a lot easier to get…
  • Cut it down. Go for the full fat option if it's lower sugar. Get your sugars from natural sources like fresh fruit and dairy. Try to keep below to around 0.03 of your calorie total in grams - eg 60g for 1800 cals. Not to say things won't work if you keep a calorie deficit and dont worry about sugar but in my experience you…
  • This looks amazing, but I get an error message straight away...... "After location 1in function ImportXMLDataMFP. Input step:0 The most recent error number is 5. Its message text is:Invalid procedure call or argument. Please report this to EvgeniZyntx"
  • 35% of my 1800 net calories..... Seems a nice balance, and a fair bit of that is from fresh fruit in the morning. But I don't often have a totally carb free meal either.
  • I have a Garmin 920 watch which also counts steps using same tech as vivo range. The Garmin connect calorie numbers are all over the place. I am getting calorie adjustments sometimes 2-300 more than I should, mainly when I also create a non steps activity in Garmin connect. I have emailed both Garmin and MFP about this…
  • Its not a problem I'm really happy with it! Just think the numbers are interesting and far enough out from the expected figures to be worthy of discussion :)
  • I'll give you the estimates on point 1 and 2. Although 2 will be minimal. The non logging days I am no way under the 1800. I am pretty detailed about my logging, weighing things etc and I know when I am eating more than 1800 calories! Not a chance that is an innacurate "estimate" its a 99.999% cert. The comparison with…
  • Few points: - My calorie burn numbers could indeed be down to Garmin's HRM formulas being conservative I suppose. I concede that, up to a point. - I work at a desk and use the sedentory setting besides my steps were logged by my vivofit and sent to MFP. - The days I don't log I am certainly over my 1800 as they tend to…
  • I reduced mine to around 35% of calories, with fat at 40% and protein 25%. A nice balance, I get many of my carbs and sugar from fruit in the morning, but it's hardly Atkins. Since changing to this in September with a deficit of around 200kcal ( 1800kcal net a day* ) a day I've lost an average of 0.44kg a week, or pretty…
  • If I were going low carb breakfast it would always be fry up. But I tend not to as it makes me tired and hungry at work. Instead I focus on carbs ( fruit, brown bread ) and fat ( greek yoghurt, pate or cheese ) at breakfast, then shift away from carbs towards protein and fat as the day goes on.
  • I've reduced mine since last September and the weight has come off quicker. Slightly smaller calorie deficit to the year before but 2x the loss rate. I make sure most of my sugar allowance comes from fresh fruit and dairy in the mornings.
  • I eat them, but you have to be careful you don't use an overestimated value. Examples of overestimated values: - MFP database walking - MFP database pilates/stretching - MFP database squash - Strava run ( using these during marathon training was IMHO a factor in me actually gaining a couple of kg at that time ) As I lost…
  • I always used sugar in my tea, but discovered Truvia ( from Stevia ) which is a perfectly satisfactory solution. I also now control my sugar and carb intake using MFP within my deficit and it 100% helps. Possibly its scientific but also I think once you reduce sugar from your diet it's easier to feel like you get more…