

  • Well I found out what my back problems are all about~ My L4 vertebrae is crushing my L5 and is pinching off the nerve so I have extreme pain running down my leg....... I am waiting to hear what the next step is to get it taken care of. Bummed out cuz' I really wanted to get excercising and make this work.
  • Thank you~I have a great chiro and usually when my back goes out I go in hunched over and she gets me straightened out and I am feeling great.....This time she got my back back to norm but now have this horrible pain down my leg and she is very confident that it is my sciatic nerve. I have been in to see her 2-3 times a…
  • Very rarely do we have ground beef. We grind our own venison and know that there is no fat in the meat. We use it for all ground beef recipes. Venison steaks on the grill. So good for you.
  • Agree, Agree, Agree.........Being accountable for what you eat and all the support has been great. I really think that I can do this this time!! Thanks everyone~
  • Welcome....This will be the start of my second week and I thought I did pretty well the first week with a loss of 2#. I didn't do any excersicing as I injured my back on Christmas Eve and am in no shape to be bouncing around but as soon as I can I hope that I can keep up with the 1-2#'s a week. I have found that this site…
    in hi Comment by scrappinmom January 2010
  • What a great website! Can't wait to try some~:smile:
  • When I set up my MFP, it tells me that I should have 1700 cal a day!!! Yikes I thought that was high. I have never gone over the 1200 range so I think that is more like it. Maybe I am just way bigger that all the rest. IDK
  • Excellent~I will be the same when I hit my first 5#'s. It has been so long since I have lost anything that I will be so excited. Keep up the great work.......
  • I am new to MFP also and seems to be a great way to get started on the journey of weight loss. Welcome