

  • I'm also restarting after 3 weeks away on a cruise for my 25th anniversary. But I'm restarting excitedly because the things I learned before cruise let me still lose weight while I was off MFP and on a ship full of fantastic food. I started this haphazardly in 2012 and got some ok results that were better than I had…
  • Yes, I've had problems with protein, sugars and sodium. While I did okay with fats and cholesterol, my cholesterol still went up. About a month ago I studied the Mayo Clinic Diet and Dr. Ornish's Spectrum Diet and learned about their recommendations on the ratios of different food groups. It helped so much. I eat more…
  • Another way to look at this issue: I started my rush to lose weight after being diagnosed with tumors that increase my chances for breast cancer by 300%. Excessive weight is another risk factor and I'm all about risk reduction these days. Smaller tatas or no tatas...easy choice. And I'm with the guy that said healthy…
  • I'll do it. I got a pedometer last month and used it while we were on vacation. My counts were really erratic so this challenge should help me get consistent. This site is new to me so let me know how to post results.
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