bigfrank3384 Member


  • I would have to agree. I do see the point that it is extra sugars but there are so many benefits in eating them that it weighs out the sugar and as long as your not adding anymore sugar to your diet having a piece or a handfull of fruit every meal shouldnt affect you that bad unless you are diebetic maybe. I try to eat a…
  • Incredible!!!! Keep Going. You Look GREAT!!!!!
  • Yes Good Luck!!! If yoou need anything just let me know!
  • Wow I dont know what to say. You have made what Im doing on this site and everyday worth the while!!! Your story has touched me and hit home like you wouldnt believe. I too have two small boys that need me and I have a history of diabetes and heart disease in my family. I cannot fail them. You took the words right out of…
  • Welcome to the site. I will say for many that this is one of the easiest ways to keep track of your eating. Good luck with it.
  • Jena, my name is Frankie and I truly understand what your saying. What is really sad for me is I had almost lost 100 lbs and gained a 1/4 of it back. Food is like the devil and its all about fighting the devil. I have a great week and then the devil smacks me and I jump off gaining all the previous weight I recently lost.…
  • Ok I guess I will be the first to post on here. I am too in my 20's..... 26 to be exact and I have big lbs to lose. I am a 327 lb male and I struggle with my weight everyday. Its one of the hardest things to accomplish and keep fighting. I would like to be down to about 220-230 lbs. Thats about 100 lbs and I know I can do…