

  • I've struggled with this in the past too. What really kick started me was 4 things.. 1) Keep a food diary on a good site (like this one, congrats, you're already there.) 2) Get on a sensible exercise plan, A gym is OK - but what's better is just plain outdoor exercise - bicycling, walking, jogging, tennis, whatever. Start…
  • All in all, do what works for you. I actually like the Crossfit workout "style" a lot, but I don't really care for the "group" mentality. I'm completely conjecturing, but I'd wager the group serves to injure people as they try to "catch up" with the rest of the crowd if they're not already "there" - especially folks that…
  • Excellent decision I think. Do what you can with what you've got, it's all you can do. Also, if you're anything like me, I can promise you that once you get the weight down and start exercising regularly, the "bad" foods fall off the want list pretty quickly, simply because your body won't want them. Best of luck!