Another try at losing please someone!!



  • Tori1205
    Tori1205 Posts: 16 Member
    You have to choose to make changes and then stick to it. I don't eat anything after four in the afternoon. The worst time of day to pack in calories is at the end of the day. If I want flavor I drink Propel flavored water. I think we all have to tell ourselves that it is ok to feel hungry sometimes. We don't have to automatically eat just cause we feel a bit hungry. It takes discipline I know but it can be done. You have to be committed to a new way of doing things. Once you start seeing results you will get encouragement which should make it easier to stick to your plan. You can do it! Choose to do it!
  • Hey ADD ME!!! Lets stay motivated and remember small steps to your everyday life will help break it in at a good pace no one gets to there goals easy if they did then it wouldn't be worth much in the end. Phil Heath didn't do it in one day it took him 10+ years.

    Heres some motivation!

    Find a workout and nutrition program heres one that goes great for every female!

    or hire a personal trainer to at least learn from if you feel your knowledge is lacking.

    and remember its not a program its LIFESTYLE good luck!!!
  • mamaomefo
    mamaomefo Posts: 418 Member
    So sorry for your pain with dieting. This is a great site for support. However, we got ourselves into these situations over time. It will take time to correct it. I would like to be your weight loss friend on this life journey. Please feel free to friend me if you like! Welcome to MFP!
  • I recommend getting an exercise bike that you either keep in your tv room, or that can be moved around easily. I've been using one while watching tv/movies, and it is a way of getting in exercise without even really noticing it. As you get in better shape, you can start using it for longer stretches, going faster, increasing resistance, etc.
  • TaylorsGranddad
    TaylorsGranddad Posts: 453 Member
    Hi guys,

    Read my blog, it might just help you, as I've been on here 18 months so there's lots of little bits on there as well as tips.



    Dieting is a lifestyle NOT life sentence, so don't punish yourself.
  • mamaomefo
    mamaomefo Posts: 418 Member
    I am new here as well and am struggling... someone said to me yesterday that if you just take it a day at a time.... first thing... get to the gym... find someone to show you around... set a goal. (yesterday I walked for 30 minutes... don't know how far or how fast... but I walked)....

    You can do it... I think we can all help each other...

    Today is a new day!!!

    Great advice. The goal is to start did great!
  • kittyraj
    kittyraj Posts: 129 Member
    I have just found this web page to help people lose weight. I have tried everything recently but due to a really dull and boring job i find myself eating constantly. I have put on a stone in the last 6 months from just doing nothing but eat all day. I have 2 stone to lose but i just cant seem to motivate myself. i hate being like this. I cant fit into any of my clothes and half lost my self confidence. My brother is getting married in 6 weeks time and now i dont want to go. I need some people to help motivate my and get myself back into shape. I have two teenage boys, one who has just lost 4 stone. We have joined a gym but due to eating all day i dont feel like i have the energy to exercise!! (how bad is that??). Please please leave me a message so we can become diet buddies. I am 41 years old with a loving patient partner who isnt helping with the diet!! (he says he'll love me whatever my size) which is nice but not stopping me eating all day! when i am at home in the evening i dont feel the need to eat at all its just during the day when i am at work bored.

    Hi Kim,

    quick question. What causes you to eat?

    I feel 'hungry' when I'm bored.

    I'm 'hungry' when I'm thirsty

    What's your vice? Perhaps if we get to the cause.. we can resolve the symptom.. eating. :-D
  • if people would make their pages open to the public, then others may be able to help them and let them know what maybe they are doing wrong. I am having so much sucess with this new life style, that I am losing weight so fast. one thing i have noticed, if i eat the free calories from working out, i stop losing so i do work out i just dont add in the calories for food. anyone is welcome to look at my food day. i wish you all the luck.
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    Hi there! Congratulations on finding the site. You can do this. Feel free to friend me if you want some support. I think you're ready to start with small steps. It sounds like you have a supportive family and a son who wants to get healthy.. your husband sounds great too. Mine was the same way... he loved me at any size. But was happy to not interfere with me reducing my size. (By the way, no one can stop you from eating but you. You are an adult. You have to make those choices!)

    Baby steps!
    1. Start by logging the foods you eat (honestly) and just see what you're putting into your body.
    2. Start drinking your water every day... track it on MFP.
    3. Replace one beverage/snack a day with either water (beverage) or celery sticks or other health snacks (almonds - watch the portions though.)
    4. Start making small changes to get you closer to your calorie goals (cut out more snacks at work except health snacks, etc.) If you're bored at work, surf the web or read a book.
    5. Get moving. Start walking with your family or go to the gym with your son!
    6. Get serious about tracking calories and stay within your limits!

    You can do it!

    You can really do it. One thing at a time. Don't jump in on everything at once.
  • I've struggled with this in the past too. What really kick started me was 4 things..

    1) Keep a food diary on a good site (like this one, congrats, you're already there.)

    2) Get on a sensible exercise plan, A gym is OK - but what's better is just plain outdoor exercise - bicycling, walking, jogging, tennis, whatever. Start out slow, work up to around an hour a day of "ok, I'm working pretty hard, but I'm not killing myself".

    3) Water. Drink lots of it - sip it through the day. Someone once told me that our hunger urge is stronger than our thirst, so often when you're hungry, you're really thirsty instead. When I do feel hungry, I drink a glass (8 oz) of water, wait maybe 15 minutes and see if I'm still hungry. More often than not that fixes it.

    4) Stay ahead of your hunger, and on a sensible weight loss goal. The goals set by this site aren't really a maximum in the sense that you should absolutely minimize your intake, they're a suggestion to get you fit. I usually gun for right at the limit - or maybe 200-300 under max. I can, and have had, 1000+ calorie deficit days, but I'm then starving the next day, am miserable, and more likely to make a bad choice. By eating before you're hungry you can put together a better meal, especially if you have easy access to bad foods (like I do at home).

    Best of luck to you, stay in a positive frame of mind, and take it both day by day and week by week. Oh, and don't get discouraged if the scale reads the same 2 or 3 days in a row!

    - G
  • Lys2
    Lys2 Posts: 11 Member
    I just re-started w/MFP. I decided to keep the food diary open all day on my computer at work. Whenever I eat (or drink) somthing, I enter it right away. Has that been an eye opener! I frequently chew gum too, which helps keep the snacking down. I also keep a glass or bottle of water at my desk and drink the water as mindlessly as I would snack, so I *have* to get up every hour. When I'm hungry but have already met my calorie goal (hopefully not till after dinner), or if I need to "save" calories for later, I'll look for a small snack but one that's high in protein; fat's ok too b/c it's more filling, like cheese, yogurt, or a nut butter.
  • phynyxfyre
    phynyxfyre Posts: 145 Member
    Hi there! I think the most important advice I have ever gotten is from my cousin, who is a personal trainer. He told me JUST DO SOMETHING EVERY DAY. That is all he would say. Along the way, I realized that if you are just starting out, there is no need for a set amount of time or set exercise or weight you have to lift. The important thing is that if you do something for your health every day, it builds momentum. You start thinking "I did this, so I can add that."

    It really helped me get started. I had trouble motivating myself to do anything at first. I didn't feel attractive or worthy. I was stuck. Most days I didn't even want to try to exercise. My walks were sporadic, sometimes I got a workout video in. Over time, I got more on days than off. The days I didn't do anything physically, I drank an extra glass of water or chose a fruit over chips or candy. I cut out soda completely.

    Once the weight started slowly coming off, I felt better, had more energy, had a few pounds behind me, and then I felt I was ready to get down to business. Now I do something most days. I easily burn off 5000 calories a week in exercise and an extra 3500 with diet. Theoretically I should be losing 2 lb a week. But, I am not seeing the scale move as much now because I am losing fat and gaining muscle.

    I guess what I am trying to say is: You know what you need to do, but it can be very overwhelming because it is easy to pick apart all those habits and feel like you have to change everything all at once. You don't have to do it that way. Look at just one thing at a time, and change that. If eating at work is the problem, change one thing about it. Maybe WHAT you are eating or HOW MUCH you are eating or WHEN you are eating. NOT all three at once. Small steps, but something every day. Cheers to you and your success.
  • you know, it's ok to eat alot, but the key is making HEALTHY choices. I am eating literally all day, it seems! But I have lost 7.6lbs now. My diary is public so you can take a look, but I eat nuts, fruits, multigrain and whole grain bread, lean meats, yogurt, cheeses, etc. I still make some bad choices, but it's about portion control. If I want chocolate, I have one mini size bar. If I want soda, I have one can with no calories and then drink water. If you choose the right foods you can eat all the time if you need, but choosing the right foods will leave you feeling full and satisfied and prevent binging on junk. Good luck, feel free to add me.
  • acmerunner
    acmerunner Posts: 10 Member
    I'm in the same boat and was brought back to reality yesterday. i'm changing positions @ work, hopefully i will be busier (fingers crossed). do you have kids/spouse/etc?
  • I am right there with you! I signed up on this website after 5 years of failed dieting! I gained 75 pounds during my pregnancy and have been unsuccessful in getting it off. My "baby" just started kindergarten, so it's safe to say I can't blame it on baby weight anymore! I have tried every "fad" diet out there and the "I lost 20 pounds in 30 days and you can too!" diets out there on the market. I experienced moderate success on some but inevitably gained back all my weight eventually. I don't even want to get into the amount of my hard-earned money I have contributed to the billion dollar diet industry! I have had this little voice of reason in the back of my head telling me that eating right and exercising will work, but I never wanted to listen to it. I wanted the quick fix because, I have to tell you, that it is really daunting to look up at this hill of 75 pounds to lose and feel overwhelmed and have very little confidence in your abilities to do this. It's scary! What has helped me is arming myself with information. When I found out that I am pre-diabetic as a result of being overweight, I started spending a lot of time doing research on the health risks and what it really means to your body to be overweight. That was the thing that finally did it for me. I looked at the weight I have to lose and got scared, but then I thought about my future if I don't lose weight and it was much scarier! No bowl of ice cream or plate of nachos will ever taste as good as being healthy feels! You can do this!! Wanting to take the steps to lose weight in a healthy manner is really the first step and you have already done that! You wouldn't be here it you didn't. Keep that with you and know you aren't alone.
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    If you eat the wrong things at work, take your own food and don't eat anything else. I used to take cucumbers, carrots, nuts, mini baby bell cheese, celery, etc. And I would drink Swanson (the brand I like) broth to help fill me up. 2 cups is only 30 calories, I like the beef with 50% less sodium. In the evening I also eat early and if I stay up later, I get hungry again, I have half an apple (or a half a cup of some fruit or veggie), a mini Babybel cheese and 2 cups of broth. Eat it slowly and tell yourself no more.
    If you are eating when your bored, then control it. Get puffed rice cereal and eat one piece clock it for 1 minute before you can eat another one and so on. I think they are low in calories.
    Add me as a friend if you want. Tigress
  • I just re-started w/MFP. I decided to keep the food diary open all day on my computer at work. Whenever I eat (or drink) somthing, I enter it right away. Has that been an eye opener! I frequently chew gum too, which helps keep the snacking down. I also keep a glass or bottle of water at my desk and drink the water as mindlessly as I would snack, so I *have* to get up every hour. When I'm hungry but have already met my calorie goal (hopefully not till after dinner), or if I need to "save" calories for later, I'll look for a small snack but one that's high in protein; fat's ok too b/c it's more filling, like cheese, yogurt, or a nut butter.
    yep if you like avocado that's a good fat, I don;t so i got some guacamole that is 95% avocado, the other stuff they add makes it good to me and I can eat it with some baked chips. :) yum!
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,642 Member
    I understand. I have a hubby that tells me he loves me no matter what too. And I put most of my weight on eating whatever goodies were out at work plus eating out once a week or so and ordering whatever I wanted.

    I LOVE MFP!!! It's a great motivator... especially the success stories boards.

    I'm sending you a friend request. Accept if you like. :0)
  • melsmith612
    melsmith612 Posts: 727 Member
    I have a job where I sit all day in front of a computer and perform the most mundane tasks known to man... Plus my employer provides snacks around the office like candy, microwave popcorn, peanut butter, etc. so there is always food available for temptation. My solution? I pack a lunch in the morning and I only allow myself to eat whatever I put in that bag. Once in a while I'll eat a mint flavored hard candy from the reception area if I have an especially fragrant lunch but otherwise I completely ignore what's available in the office - pretend it's not there! If you only allow yourself to eat the food that you've pre-planned for the day, it can be really helpful in sticking to your daily caloric goal.
  • 1. You are your own gym. You do not have to join a gym to workout! Most people starting out do not feel comfortable in a gym. Especially if you are over weight and do not feel good about yourself. I highly recommend" You are your own Gym" by Mark Lauren, you can download it to your phone and always have it with you!
    2. Food is filling a void in your life, do a life check, see what is missing. Food is easy comfort but long term it is pain.
    3. Accountability is key!!! You eat it you write it down.
    4. Desk jobs are boring I have one!! Get off your butt and take a walk on your breaks and lunches.

    I live by these 4 rules. But here are a few ways to help you with the eating. Make a meal plan and stick to it. When you go to the grocery only buy what is on your list. If you don't have it in the house you will not eat. Pack your lunches for work. and stick to drinking water with a splash of lemon in it. Diet sodas fool your body and actually make you hungrier. Portion is control!! Stick to your calories and your portion sizes!! You can do anything you put your mind to!! Honey, I have been were you are and I don't ever want to go back. I was depressed, on blood pressure medicine, didn't want to leave or put real clothes on because I hated myself. Love yourself again, do this for you!!!