

  • Good point with the great water bottle! I use a Brita filter bottle and I love it. You never see me without it. My leave-the-house checklist always includes it. Here it is: Does anyone else have a great water bottle? ~Jayme
  • Amen sister! Nothing tastes as good as thin feels!
  • Good luck Nadine! That is a great idea. Whatever motivates you is good in my book! Sometimes it is really hard to stay motivated. One thing I have found that really motivates me is reading an watching TV! Haha:) It may sound silly but I read healthy living articles and magazines like Fitness. There is usually some great…
  • I would still love to hear some great examples of how you all are substituting unhealthy ingredients for healthy alternatives! Randy mentioned mashed cauliflower in place of mashed potatoes. I have tried them before and they are awesome! They still have that mashed potato texture and color so it's almost like you are…
  • First I am going to give you a little breakdown then I am going to tell you a story… 1 cup of coffee with 2 tsp. of sugar and 2 tsp. of creamer equals 50 calories. That means, compared to someone who drinks black coffee, you are ingesting 18,250 more calories per year. If there are 3,500 calories in a pound you are…
  • I'll go first! We have been talking quite a bit during bootcamp about the use of spaghetti squash in place of pasta. This is a great alternative to our carb-loaded italian friend! Really anyway you would normally use pasta you can use spaghetti squash instead. Paste this link in your browser for some great recipes from Ms.…
  • I was just talking about this with a co-worker! Sometimes drinking enough water is hard for me. When I get busy with work I forget to reach for my water sitting right in front of me. I'm not sure how to make myself remember to drink the water but I can say that I read a great piece of advice for the sedentary office…