

  • If that was true the U.S., as a nation, would not be millions of pounds overweight...
  • "Most ridiculous party ever. I was in the bathroom peeing and this guy just walks in covered in watermelon, looking totally freaked the *kitten* out, and asked me if I could draw him a map so he could get out of the house. He's going to be my example of why to never do LSA."
  • The "No worries" was directed at the girl who misunderstand what I was saying about my sleeping habits. That aside, you are incredibly rude and you should really examine your own maturity level - seeing as you're purposely picking on someone you have, by your actions and diction, determined and qualified as a child. Grow…
  • No worries =] I do spend most of the DAY asleep, and most of the afternoon/night/early morning awake. But, it gets here at like 4, so I only qualify daytime as being when the sun is up, which is I think... 8 1/2 hours right now.
  • It's not like I'm restricting on purpose... I can't force myself to eat more, it will literally make me sick. Just thinking about food when I'm not truly hungry makes me feel like I'll vomit.
  • Let's not talk about who is or is not an adult.... I've been caring for my elderly, sickly father since I was 10 years old, my parents got divorced and she washed her hands of him. I've seen him through four heart surgeries, two back surgeries and several other procedures. I have had to keep tabs on his meds, the food we…
  • Well, I'm curious about why there's this mentality that you if you eat 1000 or under you're body is automatically going to go into starvation mode. And, I'm curious because if everyone thinks this, there must be some kind of truth to it, or some rhyme or reason why. I'd think it'd be because its true, but my seems to think…
  • I just went to the doctor and had a full work up - blood/urine/chem lab and a short psych. eval. ... Everything came back normal, with the exception of psych (I've had depression my whole life, so that I am not concerned about), and I've been eating this way for most of my adult life. What's your explanation for that....?
  • That's exactly how I feel. Foods I tend to eat a lot are apples, oatmeal, turkey and lettuce wraps, almonds, eggs, and green bell peppers (I eat a metric ****-ton of those... and now I kind of want one lol). I think the lack of calories might be from not drinking hardly anything apart from water - I hate soda, it feels…
  • What I'm wondering is if it's really going to damage my body. I feel like if my body wanted more food, it would tell me that, but it doesn't. I'm always satisfied with what I eat throughout the day, and I never let myself go hungry. I'm trying to lose, as I put on a bit of weight after starting college, although I still…
  • All the way on the Eastside in Kirkland =]