

  • Feel free to add me. I've got SW:250, CW: 224, GW: 145 I know the struggle. My uphill battle includes medication that counteracts weight loss, constant fatigue, and fibromyalgia. I've been fighting this battle since grade school, but have only been at ideal weight for one summer in 2001.
  • No matter what happens in life, you have to, and CAN rebuild yourself. Just like Eleanor Roosevelt (I hope I've got the right person) said, "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." Unexpected things happen. It really sucks. It can suck the life out of you for good or just for a little while. But you have…
  • I think the worst have been comments not directed AT me, but ABOUT me. My stepdaughter is at an unhealthy weight, and refuses to eat healthy (there's other issues like anxiety and such going on). My husband said that the pants of mine (jeans) that he put on by accident didn't fit and were falling off. (He's not exactly at…
  • I have tried PT (two different stints of therapy), and even the entire PT team were on my case to review everything. The best relief they could get me was after 1 hr of treatment involving TENS, heat pack, and very gentle spinal adjustment. The relief lasted only 24 hours. Chiropracter (two different ones, two different…