wannabethingirl2 Member


  • Hi Everyone! I haven't been on the thread for a couple of days and it was fun to catch up with everyone and see what you guys have been up to!! It's been icy here and cold (19 or so) and I'dmuch rather have snow than ice. Oh well, it's winter - what do I expect? My dog Toby doesn't like the ice one bit either. He ran…
  • Hi everyone! (Gosh I love this thread!!):heart: :smile: It was good to see the kids back in school today – but I sure am pooped for some reason tonight! Don’t laugh – but I enjoy watching Dance Moms (I know – I really am an educated person, but I can’t help myself!) and am looking forward to just relaxing and watching it…
  • shoot - forgot to sign my post - Marita~Illinois
  • :smokin: Happy Monday! ~ It was my first day back to school – students return tomorrow. I liked having today to try to get things situated before they come back. We didn’t have to be there until 8 (usually it’s 7:15) and I was still almost late!! I can’t believe I hit the snooze button as many times as I did. So, I run in…
  • Good Morning & Happy Sunday Everyone! :flowerforyou: Boy, Im really loving this site!! Well, Christmas vacation is almost over for this teacher! Heading back to work tomorrow. Soooo I'm making a low fat chicken enchilada soup in the crock pot today to have for lunches. I had some left over chicken breast, so I'm cooking it…
  • Good Morning Everyone! I'm trying to figure out a good exercise "schedule" for when I start back to work on Monday. Since I'm on break, I can go do a video or jump on the treadmill, walk dog, etc. whenever.....I'm worried that once school starts I'll be "too tired"...which is, of course, silly. Anyway - I think to keep my…
  • Thank you everyone for the information on "Bump" and Fitbit! I really appreciate it! I'm looking forward to getting to know you guys better and will try my best to follow along and contribute! Eileen - I'm SO SORRY to hear about your break in. I'm a teacher (we don't go back to school until Monday) and our school was…
  • Hi everyone! I'm new to MFP and to this thread. I hope you don't mind if I join you?! You guys sound like so much FUN and very supporative of everyone! I'm also looking for some friends, so if anyone would like to add me, I'd appreciate it! I found this site several months ago and got on here - but never really connected…
  • Hi all! I want to lose at least 60 pounds and I'm tired of messing around with it! I go down 20, up 15, etc. I really want to be able to see a big difference by summer! I also want to feel better. All it takes is about 15 pounds and I feel soooo much better....then I hit about 20 -30 pounds off and I stop......or return to…