

  • wannabethingirl2
    wannabethingirl2 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm new to MFP and to this thread. I hope you don't mind if I join you?! You guys sound like so much FUN and very supporative of everyone! I'm also looking for some friends, so if anyone would like to add me, I'd appreciate it! I found this site several months ago and got on here - but never really connected to anyone, so I stopped visiting. I don't want to do that this time! :D

    I'm not sure how the threads work either so have a couple of questions.....if it's okay.
    * What's BUMP?
    * what is fitbit?

    THANK YOU!!:tongue:
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Been taking notes for an hour and hope I can read them! Still have my issues with cough but now nose is stopped up!!!! Love todays date: 1-3-13.
    Lila - Kootenays a town? I love Canada! We're thinking of going back to Glacier Natl Park soon.
    Cary - I wrote down, love your tip now I can't remember what is was LOL.I'll go back and check after posting.
    Amanda - it scared me when I read your post especially with your family history. Glad you're seeking medical help.
    Sally - welcome back. I'm fairly new but with so any new people each day I'm beginning to fee like an old-timer.
    Kely'smom - I love your pic: Life has no remote, you have to change it. That is true for everyone. Welcome.
    Kate - what a lovely letter to Robin and so wise. Thank you for being such a caring friend to everyone.
    Karen - perfect! Most of us set a new short-time goal each month so you'll be right in step. Keep on keeping on. Remember the saying: the longest journey begins with a single step.
    Meg - me too with the sore throat but I didn't get mine singing and dancing because I was sick on NYE!
    It's getting late and I've got steps to go before I sleep. I am doing 5000 a day and sometimes it hard when you're not feeling well. NO EXCUSES!!!
    Janie - thanks for sharing "don't get stuck with the goal - focus on the path. I visualized that if you don't focus on the path, you could stumble. LOL
    Michele - I get that same little remark from that Wii girl. Makes me so mad but someday soon she'll see a leaner Mee. I was thinking of pictures to send your DS's girlfriend. She doesn't have to understand English to love pictures. There's a website called TinyPrints that a lot of people used for Christmas cards that you could do a card with pictures of your family. Went Olive Garden and told waiter I had an issue with the salad because the dressing is too salty so he brought it plain with the dressings on the side. Even the Fat Free version was too salty for me.
    DebA = I've been using the hot water with lemon for a few days and it helps my throat. Hope you feel better soon.
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Welcome Wannabe... Bump is a way to mark your spot. Someone told me it stands for "bring up my post". A fitbit is a device you can get that keeps track of your steps and activity. I have one and love it. It also syncs to MFP to add calories you can eat, etc.

    I had a rather unsettling day. Our school was broken into during the night. The person took a big box full of stuff...but the good news is, he (she? they?) had slid it down the rather steep hill in front of the building to the sidewalk...and it was still there! We got almost all of our stuff back! So far I am only missing a little money and a box of magnets from my desk. The person had taken 2 whole drawers from my desk and put them in his box of loot. They were all dumped out so I spent over an hour after school today putting it all back together. We are praising God today that damage was limited to a smashed window and broken screen.

    It did make me want to eat all day. Good thing I had to teach and couldn't!:tongue:

    Salmon tonight. Hope to see a benefit tomorrow.

    Have a good evening.

    Eileen from near San Diego
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member

    I'm not sure how the threads work either so have a couple of questions.....if it's okay.
    * What's BUMP?
    * what is fitbit?

    THANK YOU!!:tongue:

    "Bump" is how you save your place so that you can start reading where you left off. People do this when time is short and they don't have anything to post. Someone who uses fitbit will have to give a real explanation. My understanding is that it is a piece of technology you can use to track your actual activity for a closer calorie burn count. So you know what you've expended in energy and can calculate your available calories more scientifically. I bet I'll be corrected and that is fine with me.
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Lile - I NEVER thought of quinoa as cereal for breakfast. Thanks for the suggestion. I'm always looking for things high in protein for breakfast. There's not a whole lot out there, tho. Good suggestion, I'm going to put it on my shopping list right now. You know, I notice when there's salt in things. Like Harris Teeter turkey breast had only 8% sodium, but I could taste it. I'm tending to like Hormel. It's not that it's a bad taste -- just interesting that I could taste it

    carey - welcome. I used to be on Livestrong but the site constantly kept going down. I don't think they had enought bandwith or whatever. Hopefully, that's been rectified. Anyway, that's what prompted me to be here. One of the things that I did like that they have is when you log your food, you get a visual of percentage of fats/protein/carbs, not just a number.

    DeeDee - let me know what your stylist says about your hair turing pink. I'd be very interested. We, too, have a few more decorations to put away. Actually, I'm going to have mahjongg here Monday night and Vince already said "you're going to be after me to get the tree down by Monday, aren't you?"

    Remember when I said how my tooth felt "funny" where it had been removed? Well, totally unrelated, I got a sinus headache and took a Sudafed. Then I realized that my gum was no longer hurting me. Now I do have very bad sinuses, and I knew what it felt like when the sinuses were inflamed and pushing down on the tooth. Well, I went to the dentist today even tho I no longer have pain and told him that I realized that the pain went away after I'd taken a Sudafed, but I just want to be sure that it's healing correctly and that it was, in fact, sinus pressure -- just that this is the first time I experienced it without a tooth. Yup, that's what it was!!! They did take an x-ray. But surprise, surprise, they didn't charge me for that visit. Not even for the x-ray which I thought for sure they'd charge me for. Well, maybe sometime in the future I'll get a bill, if not -- Happy New Year to me!

    Vince just told me that the dentist he and Jessica go to is selling his practice. Maybe they'll go to my dentist now.

    Did 45 minutes of Tami Lee Webb's "I Want That Body" DVD today (weights). Tomorrow I'll try out the bosu DVD that I got for Christmas.

    Amanda - I'm so sorry you're not feeling qwell. Absolutely, DO NOT ignore that blood. You are very wise to be getting it checked out.

    Lin - congrats on not having those blasted cookies. When it comes to work, I think men are more logical whereas women are more emotional. I know that I'm the emotional one in our family. If someone has a work/boss-related problem, they usually want to talk to Vince because he can look at just the facts, whereas I will put my feelings into it. Yes, I need to come here more than once a day, I just jot things down, save them, and then post them at the end of the day.

    Well, gals, I did it TODAY. That darned Wii character FINALLY stopped saying "that's overweight". Ok, it's probably not by much and tomorrow it'll probably say "that's overweight" again. But it did feel good.

    Tigress - in this past year, how many times have you said "wonder where I found the time to work?"

    M - congrats on those pants! Feels good, huh? That's good to know that the beans don't have to be frozen individually. Thanks. I use my MFP app all the time when we go away. I just find it simpler to use my desktop, but I'm certainly not against using the app. We just got back from Olive Garden. I took your advice and had the soup and salad, but I also had a side order of steamed broccoli and grilled chicken. Now I am so full that I only had half of the salad, and really, I didn't even need to bother to order it. Thanks for the suggestion

    Welcome to everyone who recently joined us. You'll find this to be a fantastic place to be with lots of good ideas and advice.

    katla - you're right, when the blood in my poo is bright red, it is usually my hemmerhoids.

    kellysmom - if you're looking for a group of wonderful supportive ladies, look no further.

    positivepower - welcome! How great that you run! That's just not something that interests me, but I admire people who do it

    LucyT4Dieting - what part of DE are you in? We used to live in Kennett Square.

    Shelly - pull up a chair around the kitchen table.

    Karen - it all starts with one step..... I usually have about 1253 calories/day (some days more, some days less) and exercise for about 60 min/day (I think I'm addicted to exercise!)

    Colleen - that's a great idea about sending Dianna a card! Somehow I've got to make it a bit on the personal side, since I don't know how much English she understands (can she even read it? I don't know). Does anyone have any ideas for "warm fuzzies" that I can maybe include in the card. Since I'm not sure how much English she can read, I'd probably want to go with something in the card other than writing.

    My goal for this month was to increase my protein. Now there are still some carb-heavy cereals that I want to use up, like I have a Hodgson Mill soy & flaxseed hot cereal. Once I use it up, I won't get any more. I'm TRYING to elminate "junk" food, at least cut down on it. Barbie's right, I want to try to include foods that will only fuel my body. But on the way to OG today I had a mint dark chocolate 3 Musketeer, mainly for the mint. Then after lunch I had one piece of the mints that OG gives you.

    Pam - what a great post you wrote to Karen.

    Cheryl - sounds like your hubby will learn what we've all learned. That even tho we don't think we're eating something high calorie (like all his sugar), we really are. One teaspoon of sugar seems like it wouldn't have a lot of calories....hey, it's so small. But it does. He will probably modify the way he eats, maybe only having three fourths as much sugar, then half, maybe eventually none. It doesn't seem like those little nibbles would add up, but they do. Good for him doing this with you!

    Meg - I hope you get better fast. It's good to know, tho, that you're keeping warm......lol

    The back of my ankle seems to be hurting when I walk. I'm suspecting it's an inflamed achilles tendon. I'm not sure, so I'm hoping to be able to get into the MD's office tomorrow. From everything I've read on the Internet it says that an inflamed achilles tendon won't get better without medical help. Not exactly sure what that means. I'm not in so much pain that I need any Tylenol or anything like that. I just don't want this to get real bad to where I'm in excruciating pain and need surgery. The Internet also recommended orthotics to take some of the pressure off the tendon, but I'm not sure what kind of orthotic they are talking about. So I'm hoping to get some answers tomorrow

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening

    Michele in NC

    We live in Claymont, just off of I-95. Kennett Square isn't far from me. Funny you are living in NC because our plan, when we retire, is to move to NC! Looking forward to warmer weather and less snow!!!
    Good luck with your doctor's appointment tomorrow. Hopefully, it will be something that can easily be treated, but for now, you should take it easy.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member

    I'm not sure how the threads work either so have a couple of questions.....if it's okay.
    * What's BUMP?
    * what is fitbit?

    THANK YOU!!:tongue:


    BUMP means Bring Up My Post. People use it to put the thread in the area called "My Topics" so it is easier to find. Also it is used to bring posts back to the top of the list for people to surf the threads.

    A Fitbit is a device you can by that is like a pedometer but very small and it links to your computer and to MFP to track all kinds of things. You can read about it if you go to "Apps" and read about the Fitbit Tracker.

    Robin Bodi and Ritter
    North of Seattle
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Cary - I found it: No matter how long it takes you to run a mile, you still ran a mile.We just have to get started and we'll stick with it.

    Sue -N/C TX (expecting snow tonight!) Very unusual for us.
  • wannabethingirl2
    wannabethingirl2 Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you everyone for the information on "Bump" and Fitbit! I really appreciate it! I'm looking forward to getting to know you guys better and will try my best to follow along and contribute!

    Eileen - I'm SO SORRY to hear about your break in. I'm a teacher (we don't go back to school until Monday) and our school was broken into over the summer. I had just gotten a new SMARTBoard and they damaged it and the computer it was hooked up to. Soooo frustrating. They found most of our things too - in and around the building. I guess it was more like vandalism, because I even found my electric pencil sharpener taken out of my room in another part of the building. It was like a treasure hunt looking for our own treasures. ARGH.

    Michele - I enjoyed your being excited about the Wii! HA I just started doing Wii fit and I'd just like to stand up on the step without her going, "ooohhh!" hahaha (I know this sounds terrible, but I always throw her the bird when she does that!) ha

    Robin Bodi and Ritter - I love the picture of your dogs! I have a great big golden doodle that my kids got me when my husband passed away and he is absolutely my best friend!

    Thanks for making me feel so welcome everyone!

    :flowerforyou: Marita ~ Central Illinois (where it is dang dong cold tonight
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Yippee Friday is coming! Wow you guys are great! I think this group will help me with my reading goal :laugh:

    :happy: Jane - I love you procrastination goal...I might have to add that to my list. I have been working hard the past couple days getting organized and it feels great..Time to start taking care of some things I have been putting off!
    :wink: Karen - One Day at a Time! I promise if I can make positive changes for good so can you! I have lost and gained so MANY times as I bet some of you have too. Something just finally clicked and I see over the last year how my habits have changed..keeping 20 pounds off for a year and fitting in a size 12 for the first time in over 20 years are proof to me I'm going to win this and not feel deprived! MFP and the support here has been a BIG help! :flowerforyou:
    :smile: Pam - Sounds like you have a good plan in place. A quote I love to keep in mind is IF HUNGER ISN'T THE PROBLEM THEN EATING IS NOT THE SOLUTION. Keep busy...you can do this!
    :bigsmile: Michelle - Thanks for the shout out. I started running with a group in town..we started running 1 minute walking 1..then run 3mins etc..at 3 minutes I thought I would die! I must admit running is NOT my favorite form of exercise!!!! I love the obstacal course runs with friends, we all stick together and cheer each other on while getting our workout :happy: The shirt and medal is cool too.
    :noway: Eileen - Yikes that's terrible! Let's hope what goes around comes around!!!!!

    Well I hope you all had a great day...I feel so much better now that I am back to eating better! I really look forward to reading all your posts. This is like when I first started MFP. I was in a few groups and made some great friends! Now those groups have petered out. It's so nice to see so many people posting here!

    Thanks!! :heart: Judy So Cal
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    :heart: Thanks to Barbie for keeping this group going!!! How long have you all been posting together???

    Ok - I really better get going :tongue:
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Wow I think I only missed a day but all of the posts. Its great but still playing catch up.on all of them to be honest.

    Goals are the hardest thing for me. Mine like every one is good health and part of that for me is to loose weight. Also ad I look at people in my family ageing gracefully we don't always do. I like to and part of that for me is mobility. To. Help me ensure that is loosing weight. So those are big picture goals. Now working on.putting it in smaller goals.

    @Michele I have started wii this morning. I like it. That it is
    my 1st time doing something like that besides my sweating oldies videos. I like it I think. But I know with practice I will like it.

    @Meg sorry you aren't feeling well
    @Dee I too be curious about whet your stylist says about your hair.

    I am sorry I am not catching everyone as said still catching up.
    welcome to all of the newbies.

    Today was a fun day at work. Always grateful for that.

    We have a say 90% of our holiday decorations put away. I had on purpose left out my snowman collection. But as I have been. Going around the house I am finding a few things I missed.

    We are having extremely cold weather right now. I don't know if furnace has stop running tonight. I have been planning a bunch of fun projects for the house this spring but I think maybe it should be new windows and maybe a better fitting door. Not s very exciting project but a very needed one.

    Well wishing everyone a good night.

  • RelivinPatrecia
    I am giving this a try. Just found this site this eve. However, I am in the right age group.
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Crossing my fingers for my weigh-in in the morning!!:ohwell:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :flowerforyou: Greetings from the North Olympic Peninsula where the morning temperatures are below freezing and extra layers are required for walking dogs before sunrise. The dogs have their own warm coats and they love to walk. I put on my dog walking clothes first thing in the morning so there is no debate about what I’m going to do……once I’m out the door, I’m glad to be walking.

    :flowerforyou: I keep my basic calories at 1200 and then add exercise calories so some days I eat more than others. I usually keep sodium very low except for days like today when Jake chooses what we’re eating (all beef hot dogs with tortillas).:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: I stay away from wheat because of the calories, sodium, and how inviting the tastes are……I don’t know how to eat things like bread, pizza, and cereal in moderation so I don’t eat them at all. There are a lot of other things I can’t eat in moderation so I stay away from them completely.

    :flowerforyou: It is so wonderful to read everything that you have all written…..I feel your pain and share your triumphs.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I'm not much of a sports fan, except I love my Ducks. I just watched them win the Fiesta Bowl. They played an excellent game.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Katla from NW Oregon (and University of Oregon graduate.)
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :frown: Having computer problems so will keep this short. Haven't read the posts yet, but I'll catch up later.

    :smile: Yeah it's Friday, still lots to catch up on at work, but Jane is back on Monday - it's really hard to keep up when one of us is off work for some reason.

    :ohwell: Did will eating yesterday until after tea (evening meal) I was too busy to eat at work :bigsmile: but after tea even though I'm not really hungry I have to "finish off" with something sweet, which then leads to snacking :embarassed: I was really tired yesterday too and I'm sure it's because of all the bad calories I've been eating!!

    :flowerforyou: l I'd better get on with my exercises otherwise I'll run out of time and not get them done. So far so good but it is only Day 2 :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I can usually go about 2 wks and then something throws me off track.

    I need to add my goals at the bottom of my posts so I can remember them.

    Happy Friday everyone - have a good one.

    Viv (from York UK where it is quite mild weatherwise today)
  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    Ladies need your opinion.
    Was reading if my goal is 1500 calories. I should eat 1200 on monday 1800 on Tuesday 1500 on Wednesday.
    So my body doesn't get use to same amount of calories.
    And think it should go into starvation mode. As burn more with exercise.

    Joyce of SW Washington
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    It's going on 4:00 am going to do at least one page. Then try and go back to bed.

    Welcome back. Zumba is a lot of fun making it not look like exercise.Everyone finds a different approach to this journey. I'm sure you will find yours.

    What is the title to this book on diabetise maybe I could find it at library.
    They got me early only at 7.5 at my 3 month blood work.
    She thinks if I lose ten lbs will make the difference.
    But I have much more than that to lose.

    Need to throw out what was your tiniest pants. Great.
    Listening to your body is very important unless it's asking for sugar and junk then go for a walk and show it, it won't win.
    I checked Quinoa and it's much lower in carbs than oatmeal.

    One day down and a lifetime to go.

    You just step in and start chatting We are good listeners.
    Going to the dietician is a good start to your plan.

    Staying away from wheat of any kind is a great idea. I like your meal think i'll make that but with a chiken breast instead what do you track it under in the food tracker. If no wheat works for you so be it.

    Enjoy your time out.

    Out of shape and probably sore but that gets better with time.

    Renny Hope your day went well.

    Very nice letter you sent to Robin. Your a very wise women.

    Welcome to a very chatty group.

    Well it's four in the morning and i'm going to try to get more sleep or it will be an extremely long day.
    Be back to catch up later.

    Linda C
  • 1234molly
    Hello Everyone
    I have been trying to lose the same 10 pounds for 10 years and now that 10 pounds has become 20 pounds. Looking forward to getting rid of this excess baggage for good this year!
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Managed to get an appointment to see the doctor this morning straight after my physio. I'm sure it's nothing to worry about, but need to get it checked anyway.

    Have a good day my friends.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x