

  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    These are notes I got yesterday. Son came over and wanted puter and I never did get back to doing this.

    Meetings are tough especialy when food is involved.
    You did great

    So you had a few cookies.
    Now your over them. There probably wasn't even a showing on the scale

    Doctor wouldn't even put me on estrogen. Said to much cancer in the family.

    Mnd towka
    That's putting wood in the furnace early. Getting yourself reved up for the day.

    Fun things first and don't let what the boss said yesterday to bother your holiday.

    Lot's of exercise don't take the cloak off it's working.

    Hope you find your file probably on the bosses desk.

    You did great on your outing.
    Wish your dad a very nice birthday.

    Nice of you to stop in. Just some of us have more time than others.

    Laughing with you I hope. Hope the tooth don't give you to many problems.
    If indoor exercise is what your looking for there's lots on U tube all kinds.

    I sold fry's in my fry stand for 17 years the best fry's are red potatoes fried in peanut oil.
    Good luck in landing the job.

    Congrats on quitting smoking.
    Good luck on getting healthy.

    Don't let her kill you. Just help you

    Yes it was -34 on thursday down to -24 yesterday -23 this morning but suppose to be a high of -3 this afternoon. So i'll be going for a walk outside if that happens. Yes we need to flush and more than just the toilet. LOL>

    How was zumba. I do it with u tube

    Yea yoga on full stomach wouldn't be the best.
    Hope the bank gets things fixed up for you.

    It won't make you go gray any faster.
    Just hard to get back to your natural colour.

    Even if it took time 8 lbs is something.

    Probably Meg did the balance the one where you put balls in the holes sure hurts muscle you didn't know you had.
    Golf in Jan. Son would sure like that. Did you to florida a few times to play. But he found it expensive taking a week of work. Plus the expense of the the trip hasn't went in a few years.

    Nice being close to goal

    You are so dedicated to exercise.
    Happy happy that's me.
    If i'd wait for no snow to go out i'd be home bound from oct. till may.

    Well that's what I had for yesterday.
    Now to go and catch up on the rest.

    Linda C in far white North
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    So there all caught up but not responding to all this morning. It's already 9 o'clock nothing done yet. I'm going to make today a good one and hope you all do the same.
    I found a chat room for diabetics and enjoy going there so going there for 1/2 hour then tackle the house. Company this afternoon. So reason to straighted things out. Not realy she's seen my house in worse shape that this lol. Friends don't care what the house looks like not true friends anyhow.

    See you all later
    Linda in the snow.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good morning everyone, happy Saturday! I've been reading some quotes about Perserverance in reaching goals. Reading these has set the pace for my weekend. Sometimes we all need a little reassurance. :flowerforyou:

    With ordinary talent and extraordinary perseverance, all things are attainable.
    ~Thomas Foxwell Buxton
    Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish.
    ~John Quincy Adams
    Don't be discouraged. It's often the last key in the bunch that opens the lock.
    ~ Author Unknown
    Great changes may not happen right away, but with effort even the difficult may become easy.
    ~ Bill Blackman
    Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did.
    ~ Newt Gingrich
    When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
    ~ Franklin D. Roosevelt
    Keep on going, and the chances are that you will stumble on something, perhaps when you are least expecting it. I never heard of anyone ever stumbling on something sitting down. :laugh:
    ~ Charles F. Kettering
    Look at a stone cutter hammering away at his rock, perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the hundred-and-first blow it will split in two, and I know it was not the last blow that did it, but all that had gone before.
    ~ Jacob A. Riis

    Have a terrific day!
    :smile: jb in Portland OR

    Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars. ~ Les Brown
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Yesterday was DH's turn to cook. He put a pot-roast into the slow cooker, and it was still mostly raw at 8pm. I was starving, had over an 800 calorie deficit at that point, and ate some even though the potatoes and carrots were still rock hard. It was not enough calories. I'm here to say, it was not a pleasant evening and I was not a pleasant person. DH went to bed early, and I can't honestly say whether he was tired or wanted to escape my grumpy self. This really took me by surprise, because I've had a really easy time of things so far-compared to what I'd expected. So I ate some things I shouldn't have. I still ended with a calorie deficit, but I didn't like myself very much.:noway:

    Luckily every morning starts a new day and I'm promising myself to find pleasure in this one, and do a better job with meals.

    :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Katla from NW Oregon
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Good morning, all. We just got back last night from Parris Island, watching our youngest graduate from Marine Boot Camp. We did the whole family thing. The place we stayed was on base and it didn't have a phone or internet due to construction.

    I've come down with a terrible cold and feel like doo doo .

    I tried to eat good, but I couldn't log, so we will see in a couple of days when I can look down again. Time to go back to bed.

    Tigress in GA with some very pale stripes
  • lucy5599
    lucy5599 Posts: 92 Member
  • mouth5667
    Yesterday was DH's turn to cook. He put a pot-roast into the slow cooker, and it was still mostly raw at 8pm. I was starving, had over an 800 calorie deficit at that point, and ate some even though the potatoes and carrots were still rock hard. It was not enough calories. I'm here to say, it was not a pleasant evening and I was not a pleasant person. DH went to bed early, and I can't honestly say whether he was tired or wanted to escape my grumpy self. This really took me by surprise, because I've had a really easy time of things so far-compared to what I'd expected. So I ate some things I shouldn't have. I still ended with a calorie deficit, but I didn't like myself very much.:noway:

    Not sure if I did this right, trying to respond to Katla.
    When your blood sugar drops too much (and you don't have to be diabetic for that to happen) you can become VERY grumpy! My 3 signs of low sugar all come at once, shakey hands, very crabby, and feel like I could cry with ablsolutely no reason. It's the crying part that I recognize the easiest because that is completely out of character for me.

    Lori H.
  • mouth5667
    Hey, look at that! I did it right! :laugh:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sat!!
    Make it a good one!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    :drinker: Here's to the power of the cloak.

    Last week I won about $70 in lotto, survived my boss' dings and applied for the only open position in the company that I can two days ago and I got called for an interview.!!!!!

    Now I need lots of positive energy to fill my cloak so I get the position.

    I met all my goals this week.:bigsmile: at least 15 flights of stairs per day,3 litres of water per day, over 10,000 steps per day (averaged 15000 per day for the week) dreadmill every day averaged 60 minutes for the week. Kept my calories close enough.

    I feel pretty good.

    Have a great day ladies.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
    From the very foggy PNW
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning, everyone – or almost afternoon I guess. Taking it slow this morning – slept past the first cat alarm and waited until the second one at 8am before getting up. Fed him, let the other one out, then hit the workout. All done and ready for the day now!

    In doing some research on how to incorporate more protein into my diet I ran across something of an “aha!” moment. My hair had been falling out for some time – I just chalked it up to hormones or age or cyclical – but it’s one of the clear signs of a protein deficiency, and coupled with the other signs (including sleeping much more than normal) and the fact that I’m paying much more attention to my micronutrients this year there’s no question: I’m in a protein deficit. I’m going to start working on it by making the protein smoothie a must-have instead of an occasional treat from now on. That will cover ½ of my daily protein needs, and then I’ll have to make sure my other meals and snacks are mainly protein based. It won’t hurt my carb intake because most vegetarian proteins include carbs. I’m just going to have to be really serious about this. I don’t think I had this issue the first year I was on a vegetarian diet because I was eating so much it was bound to be enough somewhere in there, but now that I’m watching calories in addition to types of food I have to be much more careful.

    Except for cake. Tomorrow’s my birthday, and I’m having cake, darn it. And eggplant parmesan, thank you JB.

    Hockey starts for us today, so I’m planted in front of the TV starting at 3pm ET, then yoga and football tomorrow (even though I so don’t care about any of the teams anymore). Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!


  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Robin- Sounds like you had a great week!! You did an awesome job with food and exercise. Very motivating! I needs to step up the exercise, but am the best at finding excuses or just letting time get away from me. Will use you for motivation!! Thanks. Best wishes for the interview.
    Deb A
  • SerenityOwl
    SerenityOwl Posts: 8 Member
    Hello everyone. I'm Owl and this looks like a good forum. Room for one more??
  • sunshine61250
    sunshine61250 Posts: 68 Member
    Hello! Can I join this thread? I turned 50 on 5 Nov and had a plan to be "fit and 50" on my birthday but instead I was waiting for results from a biopsy that had us scared to death. Other things happened last year too that threw my into some despair .... but I think it's time to be done with that! I wasted over a year grieving over a lost dream and I am bound and determined to be "fit and 50" sometime this year!

    And how did I decide to do it? I am in a weight loss contest with my 27 year old son!!! We are Americans but hubby and I live in Norway and son lives in WI going to University of Wisconsin law school. We weighed in when we were home at Christmas. We both have trouble sticking with a goal. So .... we'll weigh in the first week of April when we go back to take our moms on a cruise. If he has lost the bigger % of weight, then I will buy him a tablet to use for law school. If I win, he has to go to Victoria Secret's with me and buy me $150 of whatever undies my hubby picks out. He is mortified by that which is making him work at it. I am bound and determined to embarrass him so I'm working really hard too. As of today, I've lost 8 lbs in 3 weeks. The computer thinks I've only lost 5.5 because I had signed up a while ago at a lower starting weight.

    Wish me luck!!!

    ETA: My name is Joy! :blushing:
  • DLPenny
    DLPenny Posts: 41 Member
    hi, anyone from rockwell - gold hill, north carolina.... i am trying too make friends. we just moved there.. please message me...
    i am 58 yrs. old married with 2 daughters and 6 gr-kids that all live in OHIO....
    i like too make new friends here...
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    I'm trying this again! When my son got home last night, he said that I could have found yesterday's posts again by pushing "control Z." Who knew?? I'm still disgusted that I lost them. :grumble: :grumble: Today is going to be a challenge. My parents, brother and cousin all want us to go to lunch at Famous Dave's BBQ. (He can't be too famous, as I'd never heard of it!). I was just looking at their nutritional information, trying to decide what I can order, and the choices aren't good. I think it will have to be the salmon, but that is still a lot even without sides. Maybe a doggie bag? They claim that their turkey burger has over 1000 calories! :noway:

    JB – I do enjoy your wonderful dog pictures, but your picture is gorgeous!

    Michele – I hope that Denise doesn’t get too seriously ill. It sounds like the daycare where she is working doesn’t care much about the kids’ safety or health, if they are that careless about background checks and sick employees. I’m sorry, but I wouldn’t have wanted my kids somewhere like that.

    DeeDee – Your dog looks lovely in his/her coat! Thank you for the birthday wishes.

    Tigress – Congratulations to your son! Becoming a marine isn’t easy, so that is quite an accomplishment.

    Robin – That’s wonderful that you’ve got an interview! When is it, so that we can send positive thoughts your way?

    Mwheatcraft – My daughter has been losing tons of hair for months now. I’m going to mention the protein possibility to her. Thank you for mentioning it!

    Joy – Welcome! 8 lbs. in 3 weeks is terrific! I don’t blame your son for working hard to lose; mine would die before he’d step into Victoria Secret with me, much less buy me anything there.

    Jane in Colorado
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    Good morning! Grey here but no wind - that is a nice break. So, mountains or no mountains? I tis a late start to the day but we will see....

    jb - Your picture is looking rather sultry! I know I am old when 1995 doesn't seem like that long ago!

    Renny - I think it got up to plus 10 or twelve here yesterday but still some snow on the greens so no golfing here!:happy: what part of the island are you on. such a beautiful place!

    Robin - Look at you go1 all those positi ve inyour week - celebrate them well!

    Joy - Welcome. Your challenge with your son made me laugh:laugh: I just BET he is working hard at it! Victoria's Secret with your mother :noway:

    Meg - I have someone in my family who makes these rash pronouncements and I react because they are so ridiculous. But I have realized that it is not a well thought out plan at all and will probably never happen, and I have wasted my energy getting all excited about it. So good for you that you have stated your opinion about your daughter's plan and left it. It is hard to do, especially when there is something dismissive or hurtful about it. Hang in there with her momma!

    Have a good day all.
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Tigress...Congratulations to your Marine Corps son. I'm sure you're very proud of him. My youngest has been a marine for about 6 years now. He's been on three deployments and is now based in Yuma, AZ. He graduated in San Diego...What an impressive ceremony!
    Eileen in Sunny (finally) San Diego
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Spent an hour with DD on the phone this am for her to teach me how to open the word page along side the thread. She says I should go back and read the tutorial on my mac. I think she is right. However, I did it and made my notes which I can read. Even copied and pasted. NSV for me.( I hope)

    Lori H. – I’m excited about your new job being the granny daycare. You will fall in love the minute you see the baby.:love:
    Renny – I played golf today too. Great exercise and lots of good vitamin D!
    Michelle – So you really have a definite date to work toward. A wedding in Spain will be fun. Have you ever been there. Hope you can take some time to see the country while you are there.
    Jane H and M – enjoy your special day and your German Chocolate Cake!
    DeeDee – I think you’re wise to consult your doctor before you train for the 5K. Is it a run or can you walk? I’ve been pretty much stuck since the holidays. Up and Down so I may decide to not weigh for a few weeks. If I lose I think I’m doing good I can have something extra. If I gain I get depressed and eat chips! When will it sink in?
    Robin – sending positive vibes your way so you will have an awesome interview and get the new job. Your exercise and water statistics are mind boggling. You go girl.:flowerforyou:
    Welcome Joy and good luck with your contest. That is so funny – you just have to win! Please come back often and keep us updated on what’s happening.:bigsmile:
    Good information Jane about recovering posts. I lose them all the time. Think I'll write that in my litle memory book!
    SueBDew in TX
  • KNAMsMum
    Hello to all my 50+ sisters,
    I saw this post on the message board a few weeks back and tried to get to the most recent post and couldn't and then I lost it. However you have now been found again and so I wanted to introduce myself. I'm Sara from Toronto, ON Canada. I started MFP October 2012 and just quietly logged in my daily caloric intake and exercised three times a week.
    I have lost 35 lbs. - that was before the holidays - so I decided not to weigh myself for a few weeks and started back in earnest on Jan. 7th. Today I bought a Vitamix from Cosco and I am sooo excited. I need to eat more veggies so I am planning on making some green smoothies for my breakfasts! Now I need to be more consistent with my exercise. One day at a time is what I am trying to remember! Wishing you all a great 2013!
    Toronto, Canada