

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    just popping by to say hi!

    Robin Bodi and Ritter in a frigid PNW
  • mndtowka
    Good Afternoon Ladies, Deb in Nebraska here, loving the January warmup. I have a neighbor that I pick up Monday thru Friday and we hit the gym for classes at 5:15am. We have been doing this for 3 full years. We do R.I.P.P.E.D, Les Mills Body Pump, and Zumba classes. I am 52 and my partner in crime is 57. Keeping at it is keeping us young, and we do keep up with the younger ones in the classes. I am so glad I found MFP. I have been keeping track of my food and it is helping.
    Nice to see a topic with women ages 50+. I feel like I belong.
    Have a good day, evening or night, what ever fits with you.
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    Good afternoon all! I made it out to the pool again this morning - that's two!!:happy: - I can't believe how much better I feel when I am exercising and eating healthy! It does make me wonder why the 'crap' food and no exercise stil hold so much appeal?:frown:

    Meg - I LOVED the idea of the declining registration - pay up front and get payed back every time you show up to the session. It's brilliant and a good motivator:smile:

    Lila - Oh I am with you on the lazy mornings - a slow starting morning with a cup of coffee and maybe something good to read.....bliss! Hope your check up goes well.

    Renny - Nice commitment to the run/walk. Having that to work towards will be great motivation.

    mwheatcraft - I get those snack attacks too - just a little later in the afternoon. I have looked at the protein/energy bars but they are so many calories - and not cheap! I have been trying apple slices and peanut butter - gives me some natural sugar plus some protein, - and maybe a cup of tea, or hot V8 (though I haven't done that for a while)

    Company coming for supper tonight, maybe a grandson tomorrow and a 'talk' to prepare for a wedding shower tomorrow......better get a move on here!

    Go well ladies!

  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Well I didn't make it back after dinner last night but I have three pages of notes I've taken so I can respond to some of the excellent posts. Today, I finished shelling out our cracked pecans and getting them freeze dried and in the freezer. Hooray. We sold another 660 lbs yesterday. Each one picked up by hand and good and clean. That makes 1300 lbs this season. Glad it's almost over.:wink:
    HouseGirl - Happy belated birthday. Hope it was a super day for you.
    SueR1960 - Like Barbie says, Just do it! You know it can be hot tea or coffee also. I've got a huge mug that holds 32 oz and I fill it up in the morning and try to finish it by lunch then fill it again. I had some fruit punch (Crystal Lite) left over from when the grandkids were here this weekend and I've been putting a splash in my mug. Tastes like the zero waters that cost 1.25 a piece! Let us know your you're doing:flowerforyou:
    Lila - no way I'd trade pecan picking for shoveling snow. We lived in Colorado for 9 years and I did that already. Besides it's usually very warm here (too much in the summer). However, we had snow yesterday which surprised even the weatherman.
    TexasGal - I love the fruit of spirit picture. Thank you for sharing.
    Barbie - :heart: Congratulations on your 24th anniversary. You'll have many more if you treat everyday like a honeymoon:love:
    Liz - you've joined the Y, good for you. Now all you have to do is go and exercise:laugh:
    Martia - I got a giggle from you story of your dog and the purple monkey. It was sweet that he was trying to help you up.
    Becky - I think this tread is a perfect example of how you can get inspiration and ideas for working through this journey. Drink your water:noway:
    Tammy - I am also a LT member of WW but quit going a year ago. I was paying each week (over goal) and hearing what I'd heard for years. You'll love this site. Stay with it.
    Chris - welcome to the group. I've been using the Leslie Sansone Walk DVD's since it's been too cold to go out and walk (I know I'm a whimp!) Linda C says she gets them on u-tube but I don't know how she does that.
    Nancy - yep, you said it now you must do it. Why don't we all just say we'll love a pound and do it?:bigsmile:
    Renny - WOW that is an excellent job losing inches. You're clothes will fit so much better. WRG:smooched:
    Laura in Denver - Yes, it is cold there. My DD's say it all the time. You should be proud of staying the same weight with all the stress you're under at work. Hope 2013 gets going soon!
    jb - love the poem , I also really needed it yesterday. Thank you:flowerforyou:
    Masch006 - welcome glad you found us. I also get the munchies around 4 pm. Do you work outside the home? Lots of people have already posted it but add some protein to your snack. Allow for the calories so you don't feel guilty for having a snack. Actually, it's recommended that you have three meals and two snacks a day. So there you go.:flowerforyou:
    Linda C - sure hope you don't get the stomach flu. That is no fun!
    Linda - I was also wondering what Virtual Walk across America is.Is it a website? Is it too late to join in?
    Becky - Where are you on coastal MS? I grew up in Long Beach, MS. Not much of it left after Katrina.
    ckvance - welcome to the group. Tell us something about you!
    Michelle - Why do we do the things we do. Pigging out after your party, I bet you weren't hungry but probably tired. You are doing so well, you know what they say, S--t happens.
    Sally - hope your commute wasn't too bad. The problem we have here when it's icy people don't slow down and think they can drive the same way they always do.
    Tammy - hope your little dog is better. My word this year is believe. (Just like WW) But if I believe it, I can achieve it.
    Jane - my 6 yo GD says: You get what you get and don't throw a fit. I look in the papers everyday and am amazed at the number of people younger than me who have died. (is that sick?)
    Ellie - You go girl, that is quite an accomplishment. You'll love Denver. Plan to spend some time in Colorado Springs because there is so much to do there also.
    Wow, I did it. Have to go help feed the youth group at our church so didn't get my exercise in. I'll do it when I get home at 7 pm. (I said it, I'll do it. Thanks for the Vit F. Love you all:love:
    SueBDew in TX
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    Here's the info I sent along to Colleen about the Virtual Walk Across America that I joined. I think it's been going on for a long time but you can join anytime you care to. Give me a few years---I'll get there!

    Following is the web site address and a blurb they wrote about it........


    We have designed a transcontinental virtual trip across the United States. Each time you enter your mileage, we add it to your total and show you exactly what you would see if you had been traveling from Yorktown, Virginia to Florence, Oregon. For example, if you ran two miles one day, walked four miles the next, and cycled six miles on the third day, you would see the views at 2, 6, and 12 miles west of Yorktown on days one, two and three. We also provide maps that show your progress and the progress of your running partners. You can also form teams to race across the United States.

    Lin in Central Iowa

  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Well i'll only finish page 13 will get 14 tomorrow

    Doing some tonight so I won't be swaped tomorrow.
    Vit.F is good at any time of day.

    Those fuzzy slippers to cute
    Next winter that coat will be swimming on you.

    Texas gal
    Thanks for thinking of us

    good for you for winning. And if you have a year to decide where your going.
    Hopefully you will need a new wardrobe.

    Sit back relax with your knitting tonight.

    You just get her done

    Great loss even tough it's a second time.
    Nice of daughter to pick up when mom can't be there.

    Two down tomorrow will make three.
    Enjoy your company.

    Just go to U tube leslie sansone and so much other exercise you want motivation
    type in parachuter yoga I think it's the third one from the top a man who has fallen in a hall.
    Good one if you feel like giving up watch that video.

    Well went to tops and lost another 1lb. lost a lb a week for the last three weeks pretty slow. But hey 1lb a week is 52 lb at the end of the year. So going to take it. That's 6 weeks of consecutive loses.
    Did good exercise this morning worked a good sweat.
    So now this day is over under calories but might be over tomorrow. Will add them up at the end of the week. and hopefully be in the 1300 to 1400 range.

    Linda C in Northern Ontario
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    Here are a couple of links to Leslie Sansone workouts...........



    Lin from Central Iowa

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Happy happy Wednesday ladies!!! Today was clinical orientation….i yapped for 5 hours….students did well and stayed focused, so all was well. The a meeting, and afterwards I left early to go to walmart and do the household shopping, you know stuff like shampoo and soap. No food. I found a very cute cat toy and bought it…my $7 splurge buy. It’s a crinkly tube they go into and it has a “door” halfway through on the top. It’s so funny watching them. The dog really wants to play with it but he’s a little too big.

    My inner thighs are screaming from the wii fit yoga! I’ll have to stretch today. I took a body test yesterday and after being told my “real age” was 45 last week, now I’m 68 LOL

    Katla: DH and I love our recumbent bikes. Mine is a trike and like you, I get a real kick out of riding it. Of course my daughters are horrified!

    LinC: I sure hope you don’t get sick! DD#2 had that on Christmas!

    Jolene: when I get busy I also let work get in the way of taking care of myself. I wish I had an answer!

    Jen: nice to see you again . Sorry to hear about work, but I’m sure it will get better. Well at least I hope so!

    Lila: your presentation sounds like something we nurses would have to go to only ours would be about the human sewer treatment system LOL. You hookey day is grand! I used to love having days off during the week so I could feel that way too.

    Shrimp: I tried zumba once and I think I would like it, but the class was absolutely packed in a small room so there wasn’t a lot of space so I was always bumping into people. And strange for the Y, it was pretty “clique=y”. I’d like to try again in a different class.

    Ckvance: welcome aboard. Come back often so we can get to know you

    Barbie: glad you had such a good anniversary. The Chinese sounds good.

    Texasgal: you did well for one contact!

    Renny: you go girl! I will put my cheerleading outfit on.

    Michele: I have a favorite cashier at walmart and she and some of the others who work a lot always know the price matches by heart and if you don’t know them, they give them to you anyway. Speaking of being burned up, right now I am really disgusted at the people who are harassing the parents of the kids at Newtown saying they were part of a plot to stage the whole thing so the government can take everyone’s guns away. Can you imagine having lost a child then being harassed like that? OMG

    DeeDee: hope your gloomy day improved!

    Sally: great news on your loss!

    Tammy: oh poor puppy. She’s lucky to have a good momma like you!

    Laura: maintaining is always good I bet you are right about your routine being upset.

    Karen: hang in there. I also have periods of time when I am just totally unmotivated but if you can get through it you’ll be glad.

    M: I think the lactobacillus is working…no nausea or GI complaints today! I did hear about that java warning…it’s the browswer, not java script. We disabled it here. Hmmmm vegetarian only snacks….do you eat cheese at all? I need some good vegetarian recipes…my supply is limited. What about roasted tofu? Or soy nuts?

    Janehadji: The computer got fixed thank goodness! I would have jumped off the roof if my test bank had been lost! Good news on your brother; I hope you have a wonderful visit.

    Jb: your treetrunk challenge sounds interesting. I’ll give it a thought! I would like to get rid of my lunch-lady arms, but yoga is the exercise is need and don’t do.

    Lin: HOORAY for the coat no longer mocking you! What a victory!!!!! And thanks for the vitamin F bunny slippers!

    Ellie: nice to see you and congrats on the weight loss!

    Judy: so glad the weight gain wasn’t as bad as you imagined! 6# is do-able!

    Deb in Nebraska: where do you live? I am in Papillion. The weather has been nice, but it worries me since we are so dry and the plants won’t have their seasonal siesta. We had a lot of plant issue after last winter.

    Glenda; that’s the big mystery for all of us. Solve it and we will see you on Dr. Phil! I’ll even buy your book LOL

    Sue: I bet you are glad to be done with all those pecans! I do love pecans.

    Well ladies, it’s time to get back into the grind. Take care and stay on track. Meg
  • TLC380
    TLC380 Posts: 2
    I know what you are saying I am 49 years old and having many problems with water retention and hormone problems. Dr's have me on meds. and I do not think that is helping. Started Seattle Sutton a week and a half ago and it is helping a little. I am eating about 700 to 1000 calories a day. Just wish there was a cure for menopause weight gain. Everything I have read says hormone therapy is just going to cause more weight gain. Good luck to you and if anyone has any ideas that will help please let us know.
  • c0c0nn0r
    Not much time but needed to catch up on posts and get some Vit F

    Stay warm everyone and have a great Thursday.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: This has been a long day starting with the usual long dog walk, then the regular line dance class I go to on Wednesdays followed by lunch in the car en route to teaching the class in the afternoon from 12:15 to 2:45. I ate a quick supper (leftover beef stew) then walked the dogs (they like a walk after supper and before dark). Now I’m relaxing with Jake, TV, the dogs, the cat, the recumbent bike and the computer.

    :bigsmile: Tammy, I’m glad to meet someone else who loves “The Happiness Project”…..did you make your own happiness resolutions? Gratitude is an awesome word for 2013….I write a few lines in a gratitude journal every morning….sorry to hear about your dog’s seizure. I hope things will be better for both of you.

    :flowerforyou: Jb, I like your treetrunk exercise plan…..I already post my daily exercise on another thread so I won’t join you and your friends, but I’ll be with you in spirit…..I recently added “standing forward bend” as something to do when I have an extra moment.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    :noway: :noway: :noway: Oh, my! It took a long time to read the posts...2 days out of town & I am way behind!

    Jb- I too love the idea of your Tree Trunk program! I will try adding something tomorrow...I don't like the visual of tree trunk legs!!! Or arms:noway: :noway: :noway:

    One day I will get back to responding, but I am thinking of you all & am so glad you are all here:heart: Kackie
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thanks for all the cheerleading for my 10K in April. Today, I went out at lunchtime and I bought a new pair of runners. They are very lightweight, which is what I was looking for, and half price to boot (but still expensive enough). But get it...I went OUT at lunch time? ...walking... :bigsmile: :bigsmile: h*ck, that's already an improvement.

    Tonight DH is making a kale salad of some sort. I have had some kale salads before and they were delicious. I will report back. My food diary also shows some kind of cauliflower food stuffies. What that means is, that my DH made a cauliflower soup and I did not quite know how to record it :tongue:

    On another note, an ex-colleague of mine lost her husband this weekend, and one of my current employees is currently with wife in hospital having a baby. Life and death, all in the same time frame. Puts things into perspective for me. And what was important to me again? Earth calling Renny!

    :heart: Renny
    Vancouver Island, BC
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Today was a good day. I believe I am beginning to feel much better. Today at the gym with a couple of friends they have a 30 minutes circuit training I did it and don't feel to bad. So hopefully I can do it tomorrow.

    @Barbie sounds like you had a fun anniversary.
    @LinC hope you feel better.
    @Lili I love having days off in middle of the week
    @Dee I hope your day becomes brighter
    @Lin your fuzzy bunny cute.

    Now I need to go pick up my daughter from her class
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    JudsiMM – I don’t know anything about the electronic cigarettes really, but here is a link to some info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronic_cigarette. I guess everything has a risk, yet as I said, his chronic cough is gone and of course, the odor is gone.

    B from foggy, freezing NW – great poetry!

    Barbie – happy anniversary! Butchart Gardens is so beautiful. Have you been to the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Garden in Vancouver? It is also lovely. When we were there we didn’t know how far it was, so we got a really long walk in getting there!

    Michelle, NC – I never thought about the ‘D’ standing for anything else besides ‘dear’, but the alternate is also sometimes appropriate!

    D[ear]H made a stew on Monday with carrots, beef, onions and sweet potatos. It was a YOYO (you’re on your own) night food-wise, so leftover from that is what I ate. Breakfast was an egg white omelette with spinach and a little bit of shredded cheddar, a cup of yogurt and today, a c ouple of clementines. Lunch was the usual cup of yogurt, a couple of cups of fresh fruit and some wheat-thin type crackers. Had a snack of an almond bar, too. Love yogurt, in case you didn’t guess! After work I did about 35 minutes of weights – lifted just over 20,100 pounds tonight. Will do cardio tomorrow.

    Suppose I should get on to some things before I go to bed. Hope all you gals have a great night!

    Gail, metro Atlanta
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Busy day today...but I wanted to take some time to visit with you all!

    Linda C….great progress!!
    Laura…I hope work gets better. It is so hard to get work done when you need Tech Support.
    Karen…Hang in there. One thing I love about this board is that many of us have such difficulty in consistently losing. I can relate to what you are saying!
    M….. I did make it to the school and it was crazy. My car was fine….lots of people were slidding and skidding but I was fine! I am trying to eliminate sugar and flour so I am looking into what are the alternatives. I found that hummus and carrots were a great afternoon snack. I had an apple with some Better ‘nButter peanut butter today. Cottage cheese is good. Laughing cow cheese with celery is another snack I like…hope this helps!
    JB….I am getting back into the gym…made it every day and basically doing cardio. I have a knee routine and a strength training routine that I need to get back into….
    Ellie….love the picking the vacation idea. Hope Denver is fun. My friend just moved there so I know that I will be visiting there someday (hopefully soon).
    CK Vance….great attitude. I want to ‘get it done’ this year too….and keep ‘it done’ forever!!!
    Mndtowka….so motivating to hear your gym schedule!!
    Glenda….. I have the same question…I know I feel so much better with healthy habits…why do I keep allowing “crap” back in???
    Sue B Dew…wow..what a lot of pecans….what a job!
    Meg….. Good for you for getting all that accomplished today…
    Barbie….Wow…lots of dancing today—what fun!

    See you tomorrow,
  • sveltewisher
    sveltewisher Posts: 93 Member
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Hi everyone, happy hump day.
    My post surgery checkup went really well, not the final one as I thought though; I have to go back in a year (if I remember). I did get the tissue analysis results though and I’m clear, some benign issues but my doctor thinks I am fine and don’t need to go back unless I have pain or find a lump. Mammogram put off until June – YAY (would have been too painful until I'm fully healed). I feel like celebrating so I had a half ounce of fine fine old scotch.

    I bought some exercise DVDs today, almost bought an elliptical but decided to do a little research first. Any advice you ladies have is appreciated…….

    Barbie, I missed that it was your anniversary – happy belated and I’m sure there are no two people better suited by the sound of it. If you are planning on Victoria, especially in December check out the off-season rates at the Brentwood Bay Resort. It is in Brentwood Bay obviously, but only a few miles from both the Anacortes Ferry and Butchart Gardens. It is absolutely my favourite place (and the spa is amazing!) My daughter lives close to there so I get to go often.

    Texasgal – I have to ask, why one contact? The empty calories were a very small piece of homemade baked cheesecake with hand-picked summer huckleberry sauce. Well worth the empty calories for a nice treat. I like Parenthood too.

    Michele – IMHO sometimes there is just tooooo much sewage tossed around – lol.

    DeeDee – no, I don’t think sewage is very interesting, but new sewer treatment plants are very very expensive so people need to know what is involved when I spend that much of their property tax money. I spent my day at medical appts then shopping a whole lot. The doggies did get a walk finally though.

    Lin – sounds like you are planning on having a great day.

    Laura – night shift can be brutal if you’re not used to it and from what I’ve heard, it can take awhile. I sure wouldn’t like to try it but I admire those people (like nurses) who work those shifts. Hopefully your work schedule will get back to normal once all the bug fixes are done.

    Karen – yup, we’ve been there, hang in – sometimes it just takes time. Katla put it beautifully in her post.

    Lin – yay for beating the coat into submission!

    Glenda – I like apple slices with almond butter (for some reason peanut butter doesn’t do it for me) and today I bought a new kind and stuck my finger in to try it. There really is a difference in some brands – Maranatha is really good!

    Meg – I hadn’t heard that about people harassing the Newtown parents – how low can some people stoop? And what a weird conspiracy theory to focus on!

    Time to get off the computer and move a bit. I don’t know what I ate at dinner that is causing stomach upset and gas but not good at the moment. Maybe having cabbage coldslaw and Brussels together on the same plate was just a bit much of the cruciferous family. Either that or red meat is bothering me (I really don’t have it very often).

    Good night ladies, sleep tight and have a great day tomorrow.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member