

  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Hi everyone, hope everyone had a day they are okay, or even better, happy with.

    Julie – good for you for staying on track. Meetings are brutal for trying to stay away from the bad stuff.

    Cheryl – yes we are missing you (and the horses). Come back soon, leave the job and just stay with us (yeah, and now reality check – drop in when you can). And leave the dye until you need to, it just takes so much to keep it up once you start.

    Katla – (oh, I mean Inferna, Goddess of Heat), I made it through the dreaded menopause without hormone therapy too but hey, if others need ‘em, feel your boots. Whatever works for you.

    Lucy – wish I was in your suitcase, Mexico sounds heavenly right now, Holland, just freaking cold. Want to trade vacations?

    Robin – 3 litres of water and I would get nothing done except trips to the loo. 7 more sleeps to O time, lucky you.

    Laura – sounds like your day was marginally better (or is it just knowing tomorrow is Friday?)

    JaneH – how did you like State of Wonder?

    Shrimpme – the trick to individual repsonses is just to open a Word document next to the MFP post. No magic, no great memory, just minimal computer skills. Have fund with the Colour Blaze, it sounds like a lot of fun.

    CG – welcome, glad you stopped smoking and glad you found us on your weight-loss journey. Check in as often as you can.

    Karen from MI – thanks for the good wishes. I’m not really a scotch aficionado, I just had a little bit left from the Christmas present to my daughter who has discovered the value of true Islay whiskey. It’s really peaty, I like the smell as much as the taste.

    Glenda – hang in here with us, the good eating will eventually get through to the body and it will (yes it WILL ) obey and drop some weight.

    Hi Eileen, nice to see you here again. Have fun shopping, I love Kohl’s and always get deals when I head south of the 49th.

    Meg – I hope DD1 is just going through another phase and visits Russia for awhile before she decides to revoke her citizenship. It may be what she eventually wants but she seems to be very immature to make that decision so soon. Just bite your tongue and try not to react. Thanks for the good wishes.

    Liz – try Vitamin B12 supplements for fuzzy thinking and memory improvement. Works for me.

    Well ladies, I’m off to read some and maybe get a few extra ZZZ’s tonight. I’m finding that I’m a little tired these days (which is kind of unusual for me). Body is trying to tell me something obviously.

    Take it easy and talk to you tomorrow. Have a good one…..
    Lila from Fruitvale in the beautiful (but very white) Kootenays, BC Canada
  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies!

    I have a much better frame of mind and my rainbow cloak is working wonders on other aspects of my life. I am just being altogether more positive and it is drawing positive energy my way. (I think the regular dreadmilling may be contributing to that as well)

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
    very very chilly PNW

    Hi Robin,

    I've been away from this site for awhile and am feeling so guilty about my lack of time. Wanted to zip in and see how you are doing. By the sounds of it you are rising above the shark infested swamp and are doing so much better! So glad to hear it! Think I need to get my rainbow cloak out of the closet and try it on again!

    Take care, Kate
    from snowy Alberta
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Bump (got behind again!

    I really need to organise my time better :ohwell: Feel a bit under par at the moment. I'm sure the weather isn't helping, the colder it gets the more I want to curl up under the duvet. Can't get motivated to do much at all

    :flowerforyou: TGIF I hope all you lovely ladies have a good weekend. Congrats to the losers and keep on keeping on to the ladies who are struggling with one thing and another.

    :heart: Viv York UK
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I don`t think I`ll ever get caught up with everyone here:frown: :sad: ! I`m trying to limit my time on the computer and after I read everything I have no time left!!! I do read all the posts and I`m cheering everyone along:flowerforyou: ! Congrats to all have lost, and hang in there if you`re like me and on a dreaded plateau (it will eventually break...soon I hope!). As Barbie says...Never ever give up!!!! I`ve been taking Barbies advice and moving more, when I`m on the phone I`m walking around, if I`m watching tv, every commercial I`m up walking around, the more movement the better, thank you Barbie...I`ve really increased my steps because of this! I just joined a beginner 5K, I`m really excited about it:bigsmile: , training starts on Feb. 4, and the race is April 13. I`m hoping maybe this will help break this plateau, and this is something new for me, I usually like to things on my own, so to be in a group will be exciting!

    Have a wonderful day ladies!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in a light snow covered NC ( the sun is supposed to shine today...YAY!!!!!)
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Do this one then i'll have two more to catch up on.

    You did great at your meetings

    So you had a few cookies.
    You will get over it

    Doctor wouldn't even put me on estrogen for hot flashes. He said to much cancer in the family.
    So I just said if that's what does it i'll stay with the hot flashes

    That's putting wood in the furnance early. Getting the metabolism all reved up and on to your day.

    Fun things first enjoy your holiday.
    Don't let what the boss says today ruin it for you.

    Your doing wonderful don't take the cloak off.

    Sure hope you find your file. Look on the bosses desk.

    Well that's all I have time for this morning. Found an other interest in here it's a diabetic chat room so i'm learning a lot.
    And I have a lot to learn on that desease.
    Blood sugar the lowest i've seen in the morning so that is great.

    Back later
    Linda C in Northern Ontario.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Fog horns from passing river traffic woke me this morning. I was worried about our air inversion settling back in after clearing yesterday evening. It is still dark, but I can see fog on the main river channel, and it isn't foggy in the marina. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we'll have better air quality today. This air inversion business is pretty much an annual winter event, although we do skip some years. It happens when cold air gets trapped at the valley floor, and warmer air blows by us right over the top of the nasty fog.:ohwell:

    This morning I am down a half pound. Yay! I worked hard enough for it yesterday-yoga, bike, and walking created a healthy calorie deficit. I was working off a mad. We've been working on refinancing our house for quite a LONG time, and the bank messed up AGAIN. :angry: We may just pass on the refi. Haven't made a final decision. We have an appointment for a phone call with the loan officer later this morning, :grumble:

    Here's to a better day today!:drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • mndtowka
    Good Morning Ladies,

    Exermom - there is a bunch of Les Mills on you tube, just pick a number, I liked 79.

    Megblair- I am in Grand Island my girl lives in Omaha.

    Challenge for everyone- 100 times a day - LAUGH.
    Fine a joke, tell a joke, a video or just look around, I laugh at my dogs all the time.

    So? Can you do it? Try for the weekend, two days of laughing 100 times.
    They say children laugh an average of 300 times a day.

    I am going for it - Starting now.

    Do you know the difference between an In-Law and an Out-Law?

    An Out-Law is wanted.

    Have a good one Ladies.
  • lentigogirl
    lentigogirl Posts: 299 Member
    I was working off a mad. We've been working on refinancing our house for quite a LONG time, and the bank messed up AGAIN. :angry: We may just pass on the refi. Haven't made a final decision. We have an appointment for a phone call with the loan officer later this morning, :grumble:

    Here's to a better day today!:drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Rates are so insanely low right now that all the banks are behind. Ours took two months beyond what they said -- but now I have a 15 year mortgage for less every month than our old 30, and when I retire we will own the house outright. It's worth the torture!
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member

    So glad it’s Friday. We’ve had lots of changes and excitement at work since school went back in, and I’m looking forward to a happy weekend. It’s a good friend’s birthday party tonight and I’m hosting dinner club for a Moroccan meal tomorrow. That means lots of fun socializing, and a bit of strategizing on how to keep the wine & food consumption within limits. I gained two pounds in December and really want to get it off again!

    I want to read posts and catch up with you all, but must get J’boy to school and start my day.

    We had to cancel our curling game last night because the other team couldn’t make it, and then I had to organize a concession stand at the “Best Singer Under 14” contest to help fundraise for my class year end camping trip. Oh sigh. Way, way outside my comfort zone and surrounded by home-made brownies and chocolate chip cookies. I came home and ate popcorn.

    The left – over food is in my car – that’s going to smell great! And I have to get it to school and organize my students to sell the rest on Monday. Oh dearie me.


    J’ is ready to go and I must be up and away.

    Bless you all, have a great day, drink water.

    Nancy in SE British Columbia

    January goals:

    6 workouts a week
    Connect to my family (emails once a week to parents & sisters)

    “Connect” is my word for 2013. I will try to make a new connection each month (this is inspired by The Happiness Project)
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning everyone – hopefully just a quick note – I dropped another 2lbs this week after thinking I was going to be stuck for a while so I’m happy!

    DeeDee, how exciting! I hope you find the training inspiring and get a lot of satisfaction out of crossing that finish line in April.

    Viv, it’s so hard to find the motivation to do anything when it’s cold, I agree. Spring’s coming! (Unless you’re a Game of Throne’s fan, then unfortunately winter’s still coming)

    Kate, your rainbow cloak was an inspiration to a lot of ladies – thanks for that!

    Lila, I’m hoping it’s just winter and being cold that’s causing the sleepiness – but I’ve been sleeping a ton lately. I hope it stops soon – I’m missing half of my productivity.

    Barbie, great reminder about the wills. With DSS off to college this year I think it’s high time DH and I get that done. I’ll ask him.

    LizM, hooray for starting the circuit training. I totally hear you on how frightening it can be to start it, especially when you see how everyone else seems to be doing stuff you’re not sure you can, and they look like they’re moving fast or a lot of weights. Just take it slow and steady, increase when you feel ready, and next thing you know you’re going to be a junkie (evidently my word of the day)! Lots of studies about memory: exercising is actually a great help, but so too is making lists, as Barbie mentioned (when I write stuff down it’s like I’m writing it in my brain), and doing puzzles is a good brain builder in general. Supposedly some vitamins help, but the science on that is iffy. Get plenty of sleep and if at all possible try to multi-task less. Focusing will help you improve your focus (like exercising will help improve your exercising lol :laugh:).

    Lynn, wow, that’s a lot of swimming! You must feel terrific. DH and I have a similar picture as on your ticker – we went to France last May. It was the trip of a lifetime but also what spurred me to finally get serious about losing weight. I can’t wait for our next big adventure.

    Katla, congrats on all those miles!

    Gail, wow, that pasta sounds tres yummy! Good job on walking – and staying warm.

    JaneH, good job on sticking to the eating plan, especially when you’re “out” for meals. I’m sad for your dad – it’s a shame we can’t treat our vets better than to make them wait for something so simple. I could walk into my dentist’s office tomorrow and have an appt. for new dentures next week if it were something I needed. Surely we can do better.

    Shrimpme, have a great time on the run!

    Judy, congrats on making the workout classes! I hope you’re finding them fun. Hope the new job works out if that’s what you want. I would probably have a better time selling French Fries – something about having a profession of selling something that takes the personal urge to eat them out. I was that way when I was a baker – I had a switch in my head that said “these are for the customers, not me.”

    CG, congratulations on quitting smoking. It’s a huge achievement. Here’s to a better year for you!

    Razbet, lol at your personal fitness trainer! I used to work out with my daughter when we were still near each other (sob!) and then virtually for a time – listen to her, I’m sure she’ll have lots of great advice for you. Good luck!

    MTGWW, “what more can a girl do”: be patient. You’re doing all the right things, but give your body time to adjust so it can start using all your energy and calories appropriately. I trust at some point along the way you’ve had your thyroid checked, correct?

    Liz from CT – great job on sticking with the workout program. It sounds fun!

    Mndtowka, I’m letting my hair grow out. I went through a period this fall where it was falling out again, but that seems to be cyclical. Anyway I’ve been dying mine forever. I might at some point let it all go grey but right now I like the red.

    Irisover, good for you for sticking with the program too.

    Katla, did you like the yoga? That’s frustrating about the bank. Good for you for sticking to your guns on getting the paperwork right.

    Cheryl, I don’t think there’s a connection between dying and going grey – I’m pretty sure it’s a system that’s based on genetics only. However, I won’t tell you until I stop dying my hair lol :laugh:.

    Glenda, it’s a loss! Be excited for that – it’s not the other direction! And see, you’re 8lb lighter than last year!

    Suebdew, have fun on the virtual walk! I’m going to join when the weather warms up a tad. Today we have bright, sunny snowflakes blowing around. Weird, huh?

    Eileen, my DD was complaining that it was pretty cold too. Good thing I bought DGD all those snow clothes :laugh:. Have fun with the clothes shopping!

    Michele, I do that too where I think about buying something but can’t remember if I actually bought it or now. Usually I decide to do it later and then regret not having already done it :laugh:. We used to watch Gilligan’s Island every single day after school – so fun!

    Meg, ooh, that omelet sounds yummy! Maybe it was a frittata? We make them a lot here – sometimes with potatoes, sometimes just eggs and veggies, kind of like a crustless quiche. Oh, my! What a bombshell! How old was she when you adopted her? That must be heartbreaking for you. I didn’t realize your girl was from Russia. Hopefully it’s just a phase (that’s what I just told DD who said my DGD is a DGD (devil) last night :laugh:). My friend in Denver who is a big biking junkie said this morning “Of all the bad things Lance Armstrong has done, making me watch Oprah was the worst.”

    OK, so that’s all for today. It’s my birthday weekend (and JaneH’s!), so I’m looking for a fun weekend of hockey and football. Hope everyone finds a warm place to land.


  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good Friday morning ladies,

    Thanks to all of you for your support and positive wishes. I put on my big girl pants yesterday and had that meeting with my bosses, and guess what? They actually LISTENED! I got to say everything that was on my mind, and they agreed that I made some good points. Nothing concrete yet, but they are going to talk about what we discussed and will have answers for me when I return from vacation. They did assure me that my job is secure. I feel so much better now that I've gotten that off my chest. I am now, officially, on vacation, even though we don't leave for Mexico until Sunday.:glasses:

    :happy: janehadji - We vacation in Ixtapa, Zihuatanejo which is a little bit of paradise on the Pacific Ocean. I married my wonderful husband there four years ago on the beach at sunset, so it's a very special place for us.

    :glasses: mwheatcraft54 - I'll definitely be thinking of all my MFP friends when I'm having a margarita on the beach!

    :flowerforyou: PositivePower - Thanks for all the positive thoughts! Your support means everything and keeps me coming back for more.

    :smile: librfun - Welcome and keep coming back!

    :laugh: mndtowka - Whatevery style you choose for your hair, I'm sure it will be right for you. Enjoy! BTW, loved that out-law joke..lol

    :noway: Katla49 - Stick to your guns and NEVER sign legal papers unless everything is correct.

    :ohwell: glendalight - Hang in there. We all know (from first hand experience) that it takes us "mature" ladies a little longer to lose the weight, but it's so worth it! You'll get there!!!

    :grumble: suebdew - I wish I had a hobby that also provided me with exercise like golf. I just have my boring old treadmill.

    :wink: edraper70 - Have fun clothes shopping. It's one of the perks of losing weight!

    :huh: exermom - WOW! You sure are a busy lady. It made me laught when you talked about the panic from 1-2" of snow. Myson lives in Upstate PA. where they get lots of snow, and it's no big deal, but here in Delaware, you'd think the world was going to end when they are predicting an inch.

    :cry: megblair1 - So sorry to hear that your daughter wants to move to Russia. It's hard as a parent to accept our children's choices when we feel they are wrong, but sometimes we just have to let them experience things themselves. We never know what the future holds, and hopefully, this will work out for the best.

    :drinker: bjmcg - Congrats on your 100 days!

    :laugh: Sasha4427 - LOL!!!

    I'll probably be back to check in from time to time, but probably won't post while on vacation, so keep up the good work and I'll be back in a few.....Going to pack now

    Hugs to all,

    Lucy in Delaware:bigsmile:
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Ok, is this not the slowest weight loss ever??!!! I do believe I've lost my momentum. My goal was to hit 145 by my birthday on June 22nd. Seemed like a piece of cake. Now I'm not so sure. I might have to be happy with being in the 140's by my birthday.

    Katla - I just finished my refinance yesterday and it was unbelievable quick - Quiken loans did it. I was so surprised because there were so many obstacles (the value was in the land, not the house, it was an investment property, etc.).

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    I have noticed a side effect of focusing on steps, flights of steps, water, minutes on dreadmill and staying within calories, ...

    It is the fact that I don't care about the scale as much. I used to weigh every morning. I know my trends and never got worried up or down because I would reflect on the sodium and other things I ate. I have forgotten to weigh myself for almost two weeks. I like being free from the scale.

    I have decided that weight doesn't matter if I am exersizing and eating healthy and in sane portions and drinking my water. My body is what it is.

    Why this rainbow cloak is one strong peice of magik. :wink:

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter,

    From the beautiful albiet frosty PNW
  • lentigogirl
    lentigogirl Posts: 299 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    I have noticed a side effect of focusing on steps, flights of steps, water, minutes on dreadmill and staying within calories, ...

    It is the fact that I don't care about the scale as much. I used to weigh every morning. I know my trends and never got worried up or down because I would reflect on the sodium and other things I ate. I have forgotten to weigh myself for almost two weeks. I like being free from the scale.

    I have decided that weight doesn't matter if I am exersizing and eating healthy and in sane portions and drinking my water. My body is what it is.

    Why this rainbow cloak is one strong peice of magik. :wink:

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter,

    From the beautiful albiet frosty PNW

    I love that "dreadmill" freudian typo!!
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    Good morning ladies! This warm (well, warm for here in the winter:smile: ) chinook wind is living up to its name - "snow eater"- and our beautiful white landscape is disappearing.:cry: We are considering a trip to the mountains tomorrow - maybe we will find some whiteness there!

    My talk at the wedding shower last night went okay. It was a privilege to speak into the life of such a great lady! The room was decorated with silver and white snowflakes, white table cloths and chair covers and each table had a centrepiece of fluffy cupcakes with beautiful freestanding icing snowflakes that one of the ladies had made! Looked lovely! I did manage to avoid the lovely cupcakes and indulged only in fruit - not even the chocolate sauce that accompanied it!!:tongue: Oh the sacrifices!!!

    Thank you all for you kind words of encouragement - I seem to need them right now - the motivation is at a low level today.

    Lucy - have a great holiday in Mexico - enjoy the sun and the time to relax.. Glad your meeting with the boss went well.

    Cheryl - It is a slow process and I WAS on a slow downward trend....but then the holidays hit. I really thought I had behaved reasonably well but...... If I posted a similar list, mine would be showing un UPWARD movement right now:grumble: Enjoy and celebrate the losses - I think I am seeing about 8 pounds since fall?

    Robin - Thanks for the reminder that the healthy habits are important - and are the part that I have control over!! I can't make the scale move (well, apparently I CAN make it move UP:angry: !) but I can change my consumption and activity levels.

    Happy birthday to JaneH and mwheatcraft. Have a great celebration and happy time with family and/or friends!:flowerforyou:

    Time to get off my substantial butt and get some things done here. Have a good day all.

  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    So frustrating!!! (And entirely my own fault). I just spent 90 minutes responding to the posts -- the most responses I've ever written. Then I pushed "control V" instead of "control C," which deleted all of it and brought up a chili recipe. I don't have time to redo it, so please know that I was thinking of so many of you this morning. Have a wonderful day!

    Jane in Colorado
  • ammariona
    ammariona Posts: 2 Member
    Awesome, I'm so glad there are so many ladies that I can relate to, I started 1 1/2 weeks ago and my clothes are feeling loose and I feel so much better. I've lost 3 pounds and I don't feel deprived. Have a great day, Alicia
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    TGIF~~Have a great day!!
  • cindy629
    Hi...I bowl too! Are you on a bowling league. I bowl Thursday nites on the women's league (The Tag-A-Longs) and my team is TRIPLE X...We have a lot of fun and it is great exercise. Friend me if you want..I would like that. We can encourage each other in our weight loss and bowling. LOL:laugh:

    this was for Sasha 4427
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Jane, it brought up a chili recipe?! :laugh: Oh that gave me a good chuckle! Frustrating as all get out, though, sheesh, sorry you lost your 90 min post, gads! :grumble:

    Well it's Friday. I'm lollygagging. Don't have lots of ambition and still feeling a little sleep-deprived after having overnight house guests on Weds. Great peeps, fun time, stayed up too late, didn't sleep well, then yesterday went non-stop from 7AM to 7PM with fixing breakfast, more visiting, dogs, work and more work. Trying to arrange my exercise plan for the day (it's easier sitting here thinking about it than to actually do it lol), need to groc shop, walk dogs, go to work. Scale neither down nor up from a week ago. I was very hopeful. Nada. :indifferent:

    I'd best get off my fanny! :yawn:

    Happy day everyone, be good, be strong, and for goodness sakes if anyone has the key to unlocking a 6 month long weightloss plateau would you kindly ship it to me? Thanks.

    I've posted a rather indifferent, almost disgusted, faking an ego :laugh: pic from a set of promo shots taken in 1995 when I was attempting to hit the big time in the music biz. Again, nada. :tongue:

    Love to all. :smile: jb from FREEZING FOGGY Portland