

  • Yeah I don't normally log onto FB but had to click on like and share with all my contacts.
  • When I cheat (have something I shouldn't have ), I logged it because it's better to know then not knowing and you can still recover if you want to, by doing extra activities to burn your excess calories for the day or have a smaller meal later. I was very tempted to not log my extra snacks but glad that I did since it…
  • I too have OSA since I have lost ~22lbs and looking at my data on the machine I am finding that I am having less episodes during the night but I will continue with my machine as I always sufferred from a block stuffy nose and /or sore throat espcially during the dry seasons. Since using my cpap machine I have not been back…
  • Had mine just under a month and it is a motivator I try to walk at least 8km/day. I iwll be getting Aria scales as a reward for when I hit 95kg. I have lost 11 kg so far. I should be putting my order in for the Aria by the end of Oct. Fingers crossed.
    in Fitbit Comment by artappel October 2012
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