Just need to vent on my set back :(

I joined MFP about a year and a half ago and lost a nice chunk of weight,  nothing spectacular, probably about 15 pounds in 3-4 months time... But as with all diets I've tried in the past I felt hungry almost all the time.  I would eat whole 1 lb bags of frozen  veggies, along with 7 oz servings of lean proteins like hard boiled eggs, turkey breast, chicken breast, tuna etc.  and a small serving of whole grain bread and a sensible little snack or 2. I was loosing weight,  but I was so darned hungry most of the time.  

Because of that, I tried to up my calorie bank with exercise, but the more calories I burned, the more calories I craved :(

Because I never felt satisfied I would cheat from time to time and some of my cheats were too embarassing to log. But It felt so good not to be hungry,  that a few skipped items would turn into a skipped day of logging, which became a skipped week etc etc etc.   

I don't really have a point to this rant except to vent out my frustration on always feeling hungry whenever I try to eat right.    I can't be the only one who feels deprived, right?  

I even tried to eat healthy snacks like hummus, olives, nuts, and avacotos (which to my surprise were very satisfying,) but when I went to log the stuff in, I had a huge dissapontment in that their calorie count ended up being higher then if I just pigged out on some crackers, or cookies

I'm just bummed that I never feel satisfied on a diet :( but need to do something before I end up weighing 500 lbs.


  • You aren't alone. I'm sure most people who have done the whole diet thing (including myself) feel deprived at times. The trick (which I have yet to master) is to learn how to distinguish between true HUNGER and just wanting to eat something. A tip that I absolutely LOVE is learning how to use your alloted calories wisely. For example, instead of eating 10 raisins you can have a whole cup of grapes for the same amount of calories or less. I've cheated on every diet I've ever tried, but thats the beauty of this life. Each day is a do-over and we can choose to make better decisions than we did yesterday. Keep your head up! :)
  • When I cheat (have something I shouldn't have ), I logged it because it's better to know then not knowing and you can still recover if you want to, by doing extra activities to burn your excess calories for the day or have a smaller meal later. I was very tempted to not log my extra snacks but glad that I did since it doesn't seem as bad and you think and you won't t feel guilty about it and if it's too bad and you are over your allotted calories ,so what tomorrow's another day.
  • meghanx20
    meghanx20 Posts: 32 Member
    It's really hard to get used to. My biggest problem was portion control. Limiting my calories has really helped me look at EVERY label I eat something from. I would try to plan ahead if I were you to set out what you want to eat. I always eat a piece of bread with most of my meals (I found sara lee 45 calorie bread) which also helps fill me with whatever else I'm eating, along with a lot of water. Veggies never really satisfy me, so normally I put fruit and granola inside yogurt. I've also been putting hot chocolate mix in my 80 calorie light and fit vanilla yogurt, which normally satisfies my sweet tooth :P If I ever get hungry and don't think I should be, I normally try to do something like laundry or study for a test or write half my paper before I can eat. Just keep portions under control and I'm sure your body will eventually get used to it :)
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    It can be hard to get used to but if you can stick with it long enough you should be able to get used to it. Maybe you should see a dietitian to get proper advice about what you should be eating and the number of calories. Were you always drinking enough water? That is a very important tool to keep you feeling full and to make sure you aren't mistaking thirst for hunger
  • cbirdso
    cbirdso Posts: 465 Member
    Girl, I feel you and you are not alone. :heart: Hunger was always my stumbling block, too. And that crap about it not being TRUE hunger...you are just thirsty or bored, etc. was so untrue for me. I was REALLY hungry. After searching and experimenting, I solved my hunger problems by doing the following:
    1) I eat six times a day (or more) and make sure there is no more than 2 or 3 hours between "meals".
    2) I make sure each meal is planned and contains a protein, healthy fat, and complex carb - no exceptions.
    3) I discovered certain foods make me feel hungry (like popcorn) and other foods make me feel satisfied and full. Like it or not, I realized I had to eliminate those foods that made me feel hungry. Now I do not miss them..just like someone who is lactose intolerant doesn't miss milk because they remember how crappy they felt after consuming it.

    In addition, unlike you, exercise actually suppresses my appetite so I got a double bonus by feeling less hungry after exercising and also getting to eat those calories. I kept a very SMALL deficit the entire time I've been on MFP - setting it to lose only .5 pounds a week. I just absolutely and cannot eat only 1200 (or even 1300 or 1400) calories a day. The hunger is too great and too powerful. I certainly was not the fastest loser, but going slow has taught me how to eat for the rest of my life. This is the hardest reality about weight loss, you can never go back to eating like you used to or you will be back to the way you used to be.

    Basically my point is that there IS a solution for you. If you take the time to experiment a little, you will find what works for you. Good luck!
  • I'm sorry you're frustrated. I just joined MFP 8 days ago and this is my first post because I'm very wary of advertising my struggle with weight (tho it's obvious as I'm 80lbs over!) but, your message really resonated. It's so great to read about and see pics of other peoples' success but it's also all the more disheartening when you yourself aren't doing so hot. I was excited to step on the scale this morning to check in and/but was a little shocked to see that I'd only lost 1lb. It was disappointing. I know how you feel!
    Still, welcome back Mell4now, I'm so glad you're here and I think you should be so proud of yourself for being here again despite your experience with diets! Good for you for recognizing that you want a change!
    Things that help me beat the hunger pangs:
    1) gulping down giant glasses of water
    2) snacking on raw veggies that take a lot of time to chew up - like carrots
    3) taking tiny bites and chewing the heck out of them
    4) eating many smaller meals rather than 3 larger ones
    5) gulping down small glasses of water b/c then it feels like I've finished it easily
    6) chewing sugarless gum
    7) distraction/distraction/distractions! work or play - just anything that MUST be done before I can even contemplate eating
    8) Inspiring myself by looking at clothing I love but can't fit into in catalogs or online. NEVER a fashion rag b/c that just makes me feel bad.
    9) exercising 'til I'm super sweaty and heaving. That does NOT inspire hunger in me. Not until much later when I'm all nice and clean and rested, anyway. Good plan is to do this after final meal of the day. Then it's shower and hit the sack 'cause I'm so tired.

    Maybe one or more of these may work for you? Anyway, I know you only came to vent, not necessarily to get advice. So excuse the tips if you're not interested and know that it's a-ok with me. I get your frustration. I hear you. I feel for you. I give you virtual hugs. You can overcome this hurdle!