sakraf Member


  • Laughing Cow cheese spread on celery sticks. String cheese with an apple. A slice of toast with a tablespoon of nut butter. Or, an apple cut into slices, spread with a nut butter. I am having the same issue!
  • I had good days and not-so-good ones this week, so I am not surprised that I stayed put. But the good news: I didn't go up!
  • Weekends are very hard for me. Always have been, probably always will be. But I always try to fit in at least an hour at the gym both Saturday and Sunday. But today I plugged my weight into the machines, and after an hour, I had burned only around 300 calories. That's a glass of wine and a few cookies. Puts things in…
  • He didn't specify any brand. Just liquid hot sauce -- Tabasco and Frank's are both fine.
  • You are so right about mini goals. They are the best. This next 10 days my schedule is crazy, but I have set a goal to make sure to hit the gym daily, even if I don't have time for my usual cardio. If I go 10 straight days, I am buying myself a new pair of shoes. But no new shoes if I miss a day. For me, that's motivation!
  • Yesterday, Dr. Oz gave his favorite recipe for detoxing the liver: 1/4 cup hot water, one lemon wege, a few drops of hot sauce. Drink first thing in the morning. Today, I added the hot sauce to my 8 ounces of hot water and half a lemon. Loved it!
  • I am 63, just learned I have very high blood pressure, and need to do something about it. Like yesterday. I exercise daily and I try to eat wel but the scale never budges. Because of my medical scare, I am not having all kinds of tests, so hopefully I will finally be able to find out what is going on internally. I like…
  • Growing up, this is how my mother started her day -- and mine, too! I go in spurts -- months drinking it, years forgetting. What a great reminder. It really is a wonderful way to start the day. Starting tomorrow, I will begin again, thanks to you.
  • I am the old lady of the group -- 63 -- and it's about time I take control of my weight. I am very active, but found out a week ago that my blood pressure was out of control -- 190 over 100. Never happened before. So I need to make changes, and fast. This was my wake-up call that I knew would come sooner or later. I am now…
  • My starting weight is 220. My goal is 8 pounds a month.