

  • I didn't get a chance to read everyone's comment, but I appreciate your feedback. I'm not trying to bash anyone's eating habits, I'm just a concerned fellow myfitnesspal. I want everyone to be successful on their weight loss journey, but most importantly, I want you to do it safely and be healthy. Personally I just see…
  • Let's see Bread Milk Eggs Chicken Ground Turkey Canned tuna Yogurt Kellogg's Special K bars Broccoli Spinach I think that would work for me!
  • LMAO!!! "I run a train on everything." Funniest thing I've on here! lol But I agree. I designate Saturday as my cheat day, and I try to go back into my healthy eating routine on Sunday but sometimes it doesn't always work that way. We need to have moments where we can indulge or else we'll go crazy
  • Hey there! I was kind of (well still am, sort of) in the same boat as you. Before I started mfp, I a couple years ago I became a gym freak, constantly working out but diet was so poor that my efforts in the gym were pointless. Thanks to mfp, I've lost 7 lbs in a month, the fastest and most I've ever lost in over 4 years.…
  • Logging on to MFP has now become so routine for me that I don't even second guess it. And I've only been doing this for 35 or so days. I've had better success in weight loss by using MFP for the past month than I've had on my own for the past 3 or 4 years. It keeps me grounded and aware of what I'm eating and how much I'm…
  • I'm 5"2 and I prefer the name Funsize! lol I'll add you!
  • Feel free to add me! I promise I won't give you the boot if you don't log in after a while lol =)
  • I haven't eliminated anything and I've managed to lose 7lbs in a month since I started using myfitnesspal. I take everything in moderation and follow the serving size, and drink plenty of water. Every Saturday, I have a cheat day where eat whatever I want but at the same time I try to modify it. This keeps me from going…
  • Amazing! Well done!
  • I've experienced the same problem for the past 3 years. I'd start off on the health craze super strong but as soon as I get overwhelmed with stress from school or whatever, I dive into the first tub of ice cream or batch of cookies I can find. Luckily, I got hooked to this. I'm new to myfitnesspal and so far it's been…
  • Hey there! I'm in the same boat as quite a few of you! Please, feel free to add me as a friend. I'd love to see how your weightloss progress is going and to provide some support! :smile: