dolthack Member


  • It's been a while since I've been on here - fell off the wagon. As to your original question about how to spend the $'s amazing how people can take your original post so FAR off topic isn't it? Where I live my grocery store carries frozen broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, kale, etc. in 12oz bags for $0.99 each, one…
  • That doesn't say much other than that your BMR is 1870 calories. If you have the ability to use a spreadsheet try the one here: You can input your information and it will tell you what you can expect weight loss wise with those deficit numbers based on caloric expenditure…
  • Sometimes when I don't have time but want to get in a large muscle group exercise to fire up the metabolism I'll do body squats. The app is called "Squats" The one I use is by RITTR labs. What's the full name of your app and who makes it? I'd like to give it a try for those days when I don't have time for a 30-minute…
  • I did once but it got me kicked out.
  • I'm only making a reply here because this person is an idiot and a liar. "I've never eaten fruit or veg" BUT "I like apples and corn" Give me a break. Oh yeah, and this gem "I might not like the taste" Well guess what, if you keep (supposedly) eating the way your are the only thing you're going to be tasting is the dirt in…
  • Nobody here can answer that question without being able to look at your information. 1200 or 1400 calories is irrelevant unless we know how tall you are and how much you currently weigh at a minimum. There's also no way to know what to advise you of if nobody can see your food and exercise diary.
  • I would echo others here in saying that you should stop eating the banana for breakfast. It's just fructose, and your body LOVES fructose because it's easily stored as fat. Ditch the yogurt too unless it's straight greek yogurt. All those other yogurts that are flavored are CRAP. Have you looked at the sugar content? Start…
  • I'm with the other guys asking why your doctor would say to avoid the yolks? It may not look like it to view my diary now, but before I got done with my heart surgery for a defective valve and then three catheter ablations for fibrillations, I was in pretty damn good shape for 50 (by current american standards). I weighed…
  • If it's paid for by your plan then it's worth it just for the blood work. That's the only reason I do my annual check-up. It's free, and I can see what my cholesterol numbers are.
  • First red flag for me went up when I looked at what you've logged in your food diary today - SUBWAY sandwich! 53g of carbs all packed into one little torpedo of death. Don't believe the Jared hype and cut out MORE of the refined junk, like bread of any kind. My motto: Dough through the lips=dough on the hips. In looking…
  • Try drinking a casein protein drink right before bed, the slow digesting proteins should keep you satiated through the night and if you get a sugar free version you're looking at only 1g sugar, but 24g protein and only 120 calories. What is it that wakes you? Do you have to get up to go pee, and then decide to binge on…
  • Your BMR is 1485 calories per day. You're well below that and my advice to you is that you don't use a weekly caloric intake goal. The one thing that you don't mention is what kind of exercise you're doing to try and achieve your goal. Are you relying only on calorie reduction or are you getting out and doing some…
  • Given the numbers you've posted you are, at best, only creating a 300/cal per day deficit because according to your exercise diary you don't do any regularly scheduled fitness. Doing nothing but cutting your calories is going to result in MAYBE half pound per week of weight loss, but given the high percentage of carbs and…
  • How did it go?
  • It all starts with one step! Literally, walk. Not the kind of walk where you're wandering through a mall. Walk with PURPOSE. Walk long at least once a week. It's a big commitment but you can do it. I've had open heart surgery to repair a valve, had to be shocked back to rhythm three times and had three catheter ablations…
  • Another thing that may be puzzling is that you could be losing some fat weight, but depending on what else you're doing the weight you lose in fat is being offset by weight you've gained in muscle. Remember that muscle weighs more than fat. Don't go by the scale alone, take critical measurements to see if you're losing in…