kmalony Member


  • I have always been an emotional eater and learned to change that around by watching what I eat and limited sugars and staying clear of fake sugars. Every day life can be stressful but managing life and doing whats good for us makes a huge diff in emotional eating. I'm in it for the long haul also.
  • Good for you to make that change. It can be tough, but u signed up and that's the first step! Way 2 go. I've been going to the gym now 4-6 days a week for a few wks now. Having buddies make it work as I have friends at work that keep me motivated. We go to gym at lunch and/or walk when its nice out. I'm 41 so have to keep…
  • Welcome. Trying to lose and then finally maintain. Here for ya if you need a buddy! :flowerforyou:
  • :smile: I'm new on this site and have 10 more lbs to lose. Buddy systems work best! Will add ya!