issyjmc Member


  • My other big moment was when my 250ish pound, 83yo grandmother was nearing the end of her life. She struggled with mobility, and one day she fell and got herself stuck between the toilet and the wall. It was a major ordeal to get her out because no one could lift her. Once they got her out, there was a lot of talk about…
  • I went to the doctor and I had some blood work done. My triglycerides were so high that they could not accurately calculate my total cholesterol. I joined MFP and started running. I started at 211 pounds and lost 50 pounds. Since starting our adoption journey a year ago and having 2 fall apart on us since August, I have…
  • I started with the c25k program. I had one terrible start until I sprung for fitted shoes. They made all the difference. My other advice is to get some synthetic socks to help avoid blisters. There are lots of great running blogs and communities on Facebook. They are a great resource for learning the ins and outs. Take it…
  • That was always my problem, too. I would do great for the day, and then fall apart at dinner. The 3 things that helped me are planning, measuring and what I call priming. I finally started losing weight and getting healthier when I started planning my dinners and calories the night before. If I knew it was going to be a…
  • Someone once told me that if you miss lunch one day, you don't quit eating lunch forever. Falling off the horse is not the worst thing you can do. Just remember to get back on it. I also think that it is ok to take a brief break periodically.