

  • OK... I skipped yesterday but I did my day 1 today. UGH!!! I hope I'm not as sore as I was the last time I had day 1!!! Hope everyone is doing good today!!!!! Talk toyuns tomorrow!!!
  • We're doing the "30 day Shred" by Jillian Michaels. You can get it at walmart for $10. All you need is the dvd, a little space and hand weights... be prepared to hurt the first few days! It's only 20 minutes a day... there are 3 different levels...
  • OK... here I am, again, comitting to this workout. When I did it before... It was great! I was consistent for 2 weeks then something came up and I just didn't start back. Let's see... I had a baby in February... now, nine months later, my body is still sooooo different. No more of the 9 months on, 9 months off crap!!!…
  • I'm in! I worked out to the DVD last week once! I was in pain for 3-4 days! I did it yesterday and modified some of the moves and I'm ready to do it again today! The lunges and squats kill me!!!!!!
  • My opinion... The past matters when it's related to how he treats you. Hasn't let go of an ex who he continues to have contact with, used to beat up girlfriends, possibly cheating on you.... but even if he hasn't let go of this deceased ex... does it really matter? It's not like he can go back to her. He may not have told…
  • We visit MN about twice a year. My Hubby's from Watertown... :)
  • Thank you so much! I'm so excited. I have a friend who referred me to this site! It's so great to have a place to get encouragement from!
    in Hey!!! Comment by daaazeee October 2009
  • Hi!!! I'm Daisy and I just joined today too!!!
    in Hello Comment by daaazeee October 2009
  • I love the yarn idea!!! :heart:
  • Hey... I understand your ordeal. I had a baby in February and was losing weight slowly then got an IUD and gained 15lbs from that! Here I am 8 months PP and still trying!!!! Hopefully with enough motivation, I can get it done. What part of MN are you from?