

  • Hi, Good job with the committment to exercise and healthy eating! It's hard to get started but you sound like you are doing a good job! If you have just started exercising you are probably building muscle. I have always been told that your body cannot build muscle and have a significant weight loss at the same time, you…
  • I'm sorry you are so frustrated. It is very difficult. I don't do well every day, but like you, I just keep trying. I have to consciously consider everything I am putting in my mouth. I hate this, but I have some serious issues with portion control. I have decided to not limit myself as to WHAT I can eat, only HOW MUCH. So…
  • Wow, I have at least 5 of the symptoms listed. Unfortunately my insurance deductible starts over in January and I haven't used it yet, so I think I will call and make an appointment for the beginning of the year. Thanks ladies for all of your help! I don't like when things are attributed to "age" because that's too wide of…
  • Wow, I have thinning hair and have had for about 9 years now. Doctor didn't mention anything about my thyroid, nor did he test it, he just said it is my age. I had extremely heavy periods and ended up having a hysterectomy 9 years ago. I can also fall asleep anywhere and never have much energy. Wonder if I should get mine…