

  • Hi everyone - so I attended a holiday party last night and managed to stay abstinent - it was quite difficult I will admit - but I was very happy to have succeeded :) I have decided what to do about dessert on Christmas Day too - I found a recipe for baked apples with pecans and maple syrup - figured it was going to be a…
  • LOL - that is too cute - and so true! Thanks everyone for your comments - I weighted myself the next day and yes I have gone down a total of 3lbs with 12 days abstinence so that is a good feeling - trying on holiday dresses today - not such a good feeling - but I know OA and my higher power will get me there :)
  • Well I have only been abstinent for 1 week and as one of the previous forum members stated it is black and white for me too. I do the 3 meals per day, I log into myfitnesspal, I exercise by walking 4 times a week. I have to get a sponsor at my meeting tonight so I am sure there will be some extra to add on to this - oh yes…
  • That is great - I am going to need one for next year when I go on my honeymoon to an all inclusive resort - I am already thinking about how to keep my abstinence :) I love how it addresses all of the concerns of the holiday season - this will be my first OA holiday and I am feeling optimistic - thanks again for sharing :D
  • Hi thank-you for the welcome - I am just about to go to a restaurant for dinner - I am kind of nervous - but I have my higher power and I spoke to a member of my OA group today so I am good to go - I have planned what I am going to have and I don't plan on having that change :) Day 4 abstinent and one day at a time!!
  • Hi - I am new to OA - I am 3 days abstinent and so happy to be starting this journey - I look forward to the learning and growing to come :)