Similar history here except my fusion was in 85. I go through bouts of severe SI pain. Right now it has stsbilized and I credit Anat Baniel. Her dvd's.
Anat Baniel's dvd's have helped me. I did have the fusion but from a surgeon who was really good st performing yhe posterior lateral interbody fusion. I understand surgeons don't like to do these as they are more tedious. Now thouhh I have chronic stiffness due to all those years of protecting my spine with stiff posture.…
Congratulations! You look beautiful. Fitness looks and feels good!
Vegetable pallette
Sounds great!
I added it to a chickpea spinach oatmeal patty (seasoned of course). Oh and cook/season the oatmeal before mixing snd broiling the patties. Small amt of olive oil mixed in as well.
I agree with this statement. Unless you juice your own oranges oj really has nothing in co.mmon with nutrition
Yesterday's plate landscape...
Yes! Kiwi fruit is pretty too. I thought my fresh fruit photos were on this device but they are on another device. Just posted the stone ground wheat with cashew cream and roasted veggies since it was recent and handy...but fresh fruits truly have a beauty all their own.
I had a dpinal fusion back in 1985. Wish I had known about the Feldenkrais method back then...and the Anat Baniel dvd's. She hassome video clips of sample ecercises online. Her method is the best thing I ever found besides Freedom From Pain, the book. Good luck.
Ah! Just saw this..
I just turned 49. I have had metabolic issues all my life. In my twenties I could not gain weight. Now I can...ha! Add me if you like.
Good point. Focus on getting the essentials in. Rather than focusing on what not to eat. I like that.
bump...I can't post today but want to later...
We use two or three
Early morning tennis, bicycling mid morning, geocaching in afternoon. Kayak on the weekends.
I need to figure out how to add friends here. This is my second week. Welcome and I would be happy to share the journey with you.
The title caught my attention since I have battled back issues for over 25 years now. My surgein told me way back thrn to walk three miles a day. I was too busy. But if I had known then what I know and have experienced until now...I would have sought out an excercise physiologist. A few years ago while at a very low point…
Count me in. 250 Mins. Monday...hiking/geocaching....30 min Tuesday...kayak...45 min Wednesday...bicycle...45 min Thursday...hiking/geocaching...30 min Friday...bicycle...30 min Saturday...kayaking...100 minutes