

  • Looks like we are getting a lot of support here for each other!! Good luck everyone! To add to my experience a bit... It's been about more than the fatty liver, but that's what brought me here.... About a year ago, my feet and ankles swelled up A LOT and seemed to swell a bit pretty often after that. I was getting…
  • rheilala, sounds like many of us are learning too! Hijack away!!! Always nice to know we are not alone and can learn and benefit from each other's experiences. I never had any pain, and am just starting working on my diet, but I'd suggest maybe going back in to the doctor for a recheck on your liver. They'd be the best to…
  • Honestly, I feel like I AM grazing all day. GO FOR IT! Just graze on healthier choices! I have lots of snacks through the day of fruits, vegetables and nuts between meals. And I make popsicles out of fat free pudding packs or Fruit and Protein Silk, or just Silk Chocolate or Vanilla for something sweet but low fat. But I…
  • What liver supplement are you taking? I've read a few things about Milk Thistle begin good for liver. Though I have not tried it.
  • What liver supplement are you taking? I've read a few things about Milk Thistle begin good for liver. Though I have not tried it.
  • Oh my gosh! NUTELLA!!!! It's sitting in my pantry cabinet calling me... I've been avoiding it, or the jar will be empty........
  • I've been reading it is pretty common. And in many, many cases reversible with diet and exercise. My nutritionist says low fat, low cholesterol and eat more fiber, and more whole grains, and try to stay away from sugar substitutes (they are not as great as they claim to be). So, I'm giving that a shot. I have pretty much…
  • I have routine bloodwork for my cholesterol (taking meds for that, which I had always worried would mess up my liver), and my liver function numbers came back elevated, that is how they found the problem, I didn't have any symptoms. Had a liver ultrasound that confirmed it. Monday I go in to recheck my bloodwork to see if…
  • I've recently been diagnosed with fatty liver as well. My gastroenterologist said to diet and exercise. I've lost 11 lbs. so far just watching my diet. I am hoping that my blood work in a couple weeks shows improvement.
  • 1. Reduced fat, 2% milkfat 2. Granny Smith Apple 3. Cheerios