Fatty liver???



  • rheilala
    I was nearly 300 pounds 5 years ago and was told I couldn't donate plasma anymore due to having a fatty liver and have had pain around my liver. Now, the present, I am down to 237.6 and seems as if the pain near my liver is gone..does this mean that I don't have a fatty liver anymore or is it scar tissue? I didn't mean to hi-jack this thread with my concern..but I just wanted to learn more about having a fatty liver.
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,630 Member
    One of my best friends was suffering from severe abdominal pain. When ultrasound was done, was also diagnosed with fatty liver. Her doctor told her pure vegan for at least 6 months. Then slowly limited animal products could be added in. Yes, she eats a lot at home, but also taught us about the many vegan products out there. Eating clean is a big help, but the vegan diet helped quickly. I am a meat and veggie eater,trying to eat cleanly, but wanted to share her experience with you. Good luck!
  • VeeDub75
    I also have a fatty liver. Please share your stories with me..
    I am 67 yrs. old...had breast cancer in 1994...and have had a fatty liver since.., but have not truly stayed on a diet to help it..,Please share your stories. I need help...Just retired from school...to be a caregiver to my husband with pancreatic cancer....I miss my job....and ...it has been hard not to graze all day...

    Honestly, I feel like I AM grazing all day. GO FOR IT! Just graze on healthier choices! I have lots of snacks through the day of fruits, vegetables and nuts between meals. And I make popsicles out of fat free pudding packs or Fruit and Protein Silk, or just Silk Chocolate or Vanilla for something sweet but low fat. But I do sometimes feel like I am always eating, but it's been working as far as losing a few pounds. Just need to wait on the bloodwork to see if the liver numbers are coming down any. But I have read it can take a while. So, I am hoping there is at least a SMALL change to keep me feeling like I am headed in the right direction.
  • PomegranatePriestess
    PomegranatePriestess Posts: 2,455 Member
    Back when I had my gallbladder problems, they saw fatty liver on the ultrasound. I dropped 73 pounds and it was gone. I'm not a drinker, so it was caused by being overweight. From everything my doctor has said to me, if it's from being overweight, losing weight can help and even reverse the condition.

    The most important thing is to believe that you are correcting the issue, and release the worry. Worry will not help you. Stress just saps your energy, robs you of your sleep, and takes the attention away from where it belongs: on healing. So when you catch yourself feeling stress, release it with some positive self-talk. (You can do this in your head, not out loud if you aren't alone.) Tell yourself that you are working on losing weight and eating better, and that every day your liver is healing more and more.

    I wish you the best.
  • Deanna149
    Deanna149 Posts: 147 Member
    Just wanted to share my experience: i was diagnosed with Fatty Liver 6 1/2 years ago, i made some progress weight wise but not much, and am still trying as i am also hypoglycemic. Mine is related to metabolic issues i have had my entire life. Keeping a low fat diet, avoiding alcholol/drugs/ and keeping medications down to those necessary has helped alot. i had the pain and couldnt even sit in my car and drive for work. the pain and swelling have gotten better...it takes a long time to get it cleaned out but can be done and will feel loads better as time progresses. i was fortunate enough to catch it before any bleeding and scarring could happen, and have avoided that so far, my levels are also in good range have never been elevated. so keep up with the changes and keep as much natural foods in your system. not only avoid sugar (which has been the hardest for me) but also watch the artificial sweetners and preservatives....and ask your pharmacists bout meds your on...they can help you understand how they work and are metabolized and if it is going to make your liver work harder. i look at it as giving my liver a break. wishing you and everyone else here also, good luck, just keep up with the changes and longterm you will see the difference. Keep Up The Good Work Everyone!!
  • VeeDub75
    rheilala, sounds like many of us are learning too! Hijack away!!! Always nice to know we are not alone and can learn and benefit from each other's experiences. I never had any pain, and am just starting working on my diet, but I'd suggest maybe going back in to the doctor for a recheck on your liver. They'd be the best to tell you if you have made any improvement :-), but sounds like you are headed in the right direction :-)
  • Deanna149
    Deanna149 Posts: 147 Member
    I've been reading it is pretty common. And in many, many cases reversible with diet and exercise. My nutritionist says low fat, low cholesterol and eat more fiber, and more whole grains, and try to stay away from sugar substitutes (they are not as great as they claim to be). So, I'm giving that a shot. I have pretty much stopped drinking soda, but then I did that before having talked to her. You hear so many stories about sweeteners these days. Honestly, since I have been watching what I am eating, I realize how bad I was eating before! Try not to let the internet scare you. I have read some good stuff and bad stuff. You read a lot of bad stuff on the internet, and when you are already worried, that doesn't help a great deal, other than to stress you out more. Try not to let the stories on the internet worry you more tytania, and ask your doctor if they can refer you to a gastroenterologist. The one I went to ran a BUNCH of bloodwork to rule out pretty much any other problems that I might have had before having me have an ultrasound. Diet and exercise are really the only treatments available for this, and it can take quite long to fix, but it can be done, or so I have read. Good luck everyone!!
    Thank you sweet pea !@!! I'm worrying myself into the ground . Been having horrible upper right pain when I sit .if I stand I'm fine. When I sit it feels like there is this pinching pain and lots of discomfort . I told the Dr on.the phone this today and he said there are mo symptoms of fatty liver so it had to ne something else . So I'm kinda freaking.out thinking there is something.else wrong as well even though my recent cat scans and ultra sound only revealed fatty liver . Ugh this is so frustrating but thank you so much for your support ! Hugs

    one thing i did for the pain, (sounds like your is as bad as mine was) was using ice and cold packs and laying on my left side alternating....sometimes the cold felt better and sometimes the warm did...also, don't take tylenol for pain...it is very hard on your liver and i ended up in e.r. in major pain doubled over crying the whole bit after taking it for the discomfort. motrin has helped but it can cause you to swell so check with your doctor in your situation before using. but the most comforting was the warm and cold packs...good luck and hope you find what works for you....
  • jkcrawford
    jkcrawford Posts: 435 Member
    Yep fatty liver here too. But no underlining conditions other than over weight. My DR. wasn't too concerned with it. But I was a little taken back with what I read about it. Taking it one day at a time and feel 50% better. Not so bloated all the time.
  • VeeDub75
    Looks like we are getting a lot of support here for each other!! Good luck everyone!

    To add to my experience a bit... It's been about more than the fatty liver, but that's what brought me here....

    About a year ago, my feet and ankles swelled up A LOT and seemed to swell a bit pretty often after that. I was getting heartburn a lot, started getting slight headaches fairly often, felt woozie and lightheaded quite a bit, and sneezed at work a lot???? (what's with that? I told them I was alergic to work - HA!) I'm not a lot over weight, but at some point in the last maybe 9 months, I hit 188, and told myself I would NOT be 190 lbs. So I just started not having "seconds". And started drinking more water, and less soda (I had been drinking a fair amount of diet soda, and thought maybe that was contributing to the heartburn???) I started losing a few pounds, then had my cholesterol checked as I regularly do. I take Crestor for my high Cholesterol (gotta love the things you inherit from your family!) Anyhow, that bloodwork showed elevated liver enzymes. Then I started all that with the docs. All I have really done since the diagnosis, is watch what I am eating, and since the 188, as of today, I am down to 164. And just from losing about 20 lbs and eating better -- more fruits and vegetables, more fiber, more whole grains (and less white flour), less Sat. fat and Cholesterol -- I am feeling SO MUCH better. Haven't had heart burn for months, headaches have gone away, ankles are not swelling anymore, and I am not sneezing at work as much(????) <
    I'm really not understanding if/how diet affects allergies, but, hey, I'm going with it!! Or it could just be coincidence! LOL!! And I have so much more energy. I was told to watch my diet and exercise, and except for a few weekend day trips spent walking around, I haven't really changed my activity level so far, and I sit on my butt all day at work. And the weather hasn't exactly been cooperative for daily walks. BUT I bought a treadmill, so when I get that home, I can start walking a bit every day. So, that's where I am right now. Diet, get started on the exercise, and let the rest work itself out, and try not to freak out about it. My goal I guess, is to get this fatty liver thing reversed, and hope in addition that the cholesterol also works itself out with my diet changes so that one day I can quit taking the Crestor, and do this healthy thing the natural way, and not have to take any more medicine.

    Just curious... how many of you were taking cholesterol medicine when you found out about the fatty liver?
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    My fatty liver is now normal and my cholesterol is going down. The doctor wanted me on medication for it but I don't need to now :)

    I too had some discomfort under the right rib region. Good luck, you can do this and cure it too.

    To the lady that was talking high protein low carbs I'd check that your doctor agrees with that. It might be fine for healthy people but I'm not really sure about in our case. It might make things worse.
  • PomegranatePriestess
    PomegranatePriestess Posts: 2,455 Member
    Just curious... how many of you were taking cholesterol medicine when you found out about the fatty liver?

    Not me. My cholesterol has never been above 175 combined.

    However, I did have gallbladder issues, and I feel the two issues are related.
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    Yes I do . I just found out too . I'm truly scared with everything I have read plus I've been having abdominal pain in the upper right region too. I am on a low carb low sugar low fat diet as well...

    Don't panic because you can fix it and you are by being here and being serious about taking care of yourself. Also, our liver can repair itself given the right conditions. it is the only organ that can, and yours will too!
  • mdulanto9177
    I too was diagnosed with fatty liver in dec. 2011. I also have high BP, insulin resistance, and hypothyriodism. When I was diagnosed, I was also on Chlomid. Ever since I got off chlomid (personal reasons), my liver enzymes have gone from over 300 to 26. Not kidding.
    So I would check any medication you are on. From dec to now, I have lost a total of 10-15 lbs.
  • rheilala
    rheilala, sounds like many of us are learning too! Hijack away!!! Always nice to know we are not alone and can learn and benefit from each other's experiences. I never had any pain, and am just starting working on my diet, but I'd suggest maybe going back in to the doctor for a recheck on your liver. They'd be the best to tell you if you have made any improvement :-), but sounds like you are headed in the right direction :-)

    Thanks, I just might have to do that.
  • tytaniafairy
    Back when I had my gallbladder problems, they saw fatty liver on the ultrasound. I dropped 73 pounds and it was gone. I'm not a drinker, so it was caused by being overweight. From everything my doctor has said to me, if it's from being overweight, losing weight can help and even reverse the condition.

    The most important thing is to believe that you are correcting the issue, and release the worry. Worry will not help you. Stress just saps your energy, robs you of your sleep, and takes the attention away from where it belongs: on healing. So when you catch yourself feeling stress, release it with some positive self-talk. (You can do this in your head, not out loud if you aren't alone.) Tell yourself that you are working on losing weight and eating better, and that every day your liver is healing more and more.

    I wish you the best.
    Thx so much for the inspiration ! Bless u
  • tytaniafairy
    I've been reading it is pretty common. And in many, many cases reversible with diet and exercise. My nutritionist says low fat, low cholesterol and eat more fiber, and more whole grains, and try to stay away from sugar substitutes (they are not as great as they claim to be). So, I'm giving that a shot. I have pretty much stopped drinking soda, but then I did that before having talked to her. You hear so many stories about sweeteners these days. Honestly, since I have been watching what I am eating, I realize how bad I was eating before! Try not to let the internet scare you. I have read some good stuff and bad stuff. You read a lot of bad stuff on the internet, and when you are already worried, that doesn't help a great deal, other than to stress you out more. Try not to let the stories on the internet worry you more tytania, and ask your doctor if they can refer you to a gastroenterologist. The one I went to ran a BUNCH of bloodwork to rule out pretty much any other problems that I might have had before having me have an ultrasound. Diet and exercise are really the only treatments available for this, and it can take quite long to fix, but it can be done, or so I have read. Good luck everyone!!

    Thank you sweet pea !@!! I'm worrying myself into the ground . Been having horrible upper right pain when I sit .if I stand I'm fine. When I sit it feels like there is this pinching pain and lots of discomfort . I told the Dr on.the phone this today and he said there are mo symptoms of fatty liver so it had to ne something else . So I'm kinda freaking.out thinking there is something.else wrong as well even though my recent cat scans and ultra sound only revealed fatty liver . Ugh this is so frustrating but thank you so much for your support ! Hugs

    one thing i did for the pain, (sounds like your is as bad as mine was) was using ice and cold packs and laying on my left side alternating....sometimes the cold felt better and sometimes the warm did...also, don't take tylenol for pain...it is very hard on your liver and i ended up in e.r. in major pain doubled over crying the whole bit after taking it for the discomfort. motrin has helped but it can cause you to swell so check with your doctor in your situation before using. but the most comforting was the warm and cold packs...good luck and hope you find what works for you....

    Thx . Yeah I'm trying . I'm actually on loratab for pain but at a low dose . I only take it when it is unbearable .
    But I have spinal injuries and fibromyalgia do if I don't take it I will end up in a wheel chair again . Thx very much @!
  • Deanna149
    Deanna149 Posts: 147 Member
    Just curious... how many of you were taking cholesterol medicine when you found out about the fatty liver?

    Not me. My cholesterol has never been above 175 combined.

    However, I did have gallbladder issues, and I feel the two issues are related.

    same here with the gal bladder, mine was taken out in 05 and then had the trouble with liver in 06....fortunately my cholesteral levels and enyme levels have always been normal...think i caught mine fairly early...
  • Deanna149
    Deanna149 Posts: 147 Member
    I've been reading it is pretty common. And in many, many cases reversible with diet and exercise. My nutritionist says low fat, low cholesterol and eat more fiber, and more whole grains, and try to stay away from sugar substitutes (they are not as great as they claim to be). So, I'm giving that a shot. I have pretty much stopped drinking soda, but then I did that before having talked to her. You hear so many stories about sweeteners these days. Honestly, since I have been watching what I am eating, I realize how bad I was eating before! Try not to let the internet scare you. I have read some good stuff and bad stuff. You read a lot of bad stuff on the internet, and when you are already worried, that doesn't help a great deal, other than to stress you out more. Try not to let the stories on the internet worry you more tytania, and ask your doctor if they can refer you to a gastroenterologist. The one I went to ran a BUNCH of bloodwork to rule out pretty much any other problems that I might have had before having me have an ultrasound. Diet and exercise are really the only treatments available for this, and it can take quite long to fix, but it can be done, or so I have read. Good luck everyone!!

    Thank you sweet pea !@!! I'm worrying myself into the ground . Been having horrible upper right pain when I sit .if I stand I'm fine. When I sit it feels like there is this pinching pain and lots of discomfort . I told the Dr on.the phone this today and he said there are mo symptoms of fatty liver so it had to ne something else . So I'm kinda freaking.out thinking there is something.else wrong as well even though my recent cat scans and ultra sound only revealed fatty liver . Ugh this is so frustrating but thank you so much for your support ! Hugs

    one thing i did for the pain, (sounds like your is as bad as mine was) was using ice and cold packs and laying on my left side alternating....sometimes the cold felt better and sometimes the warm did...also, don't take tylenol for pain...it is very hard on your liver and i ended up in e.r. in major pain doubled over crying the whole bit after taking it for the discomfort. motrin has helped but it can cause you to swell so check with your doctor in your situation before using. but the most comforting was the warm and cold packs...good luck and hope you find what works for you....

    Thx . Yeah I'm trying . I'm actually on loratab for pain but at a low dose . I only take it when it is unbearable .
    But I have spinal injuries and fibromyalgia do if I don't take it I will end up in a wheel chair again . Thx very much @!

    i have the fibro too and kno it can be horrible...good luck and keep up the fight....seems we have a common goal...avoiding that dreaded wheelchair......
  • prism6
    prism6 Posts: 484 Member
    It can be serious if you don't try your best to fix it. I was basically bathing in alcohol daily for ALOT of years and eating fastfood and not exercising. I was malnourished with various symptoms, fatty liver came up... so, bolt of lightening, I quit drinking,no small feat I may add, and started walking and quit fast food and actually eat vegetables now.... things are looking lots better and started improving after about 3 months.....it has been 11months. good luck
  • 2FattyXFatty4
    2FattyXFatty4 Posts: 215 Member
    Diagnosed with this last year and it was the catalyst for me losing weight and eating healthier. Had a checkup in August and I had reversed it by then. :-)

    I cut out red meat, eat fish 3X/week, upped my fiber and vegetables, drink nothing but water. My cholesterol was lowered as well.