

  • My goal wasroughly 50 pounds.... at 20ish i wanted to buy something that would help me with my weight loss goals.. I did. it was a George Forman grill! What a great investment! The next goal will be workout gear!
  • What a GREAT job... keep it up... for every 20 pounds off I gave myself a non food incentive... something to thing about! (my first one was a really nice George Forman grill)
  • Hi ladies! I guess this can happen at any age... I started at the end of a relationship. At some point i knew that i was kidding myself that the weight loss was going to miracelously bring us back togehter. The weight was never the issue to begin with. However, i realized if you can't be there with me through the "worst"…
  • Hi all! ! Since June of this year I have lost 35 pounds but have recently sidelined with an illness that has me trying to recouperate and get back into the swing of things. Believe it or not, but I miss working out!!! Made some great friends online and hope to do the same here. Weight Watchers is very successful because…