I do 16:8 IF and it works fine. I fast from about 8pm to 1pm, it helps control snacking. Using IF and Keto I’ve lost 10kg since Christmas
I've just started 16:8 IF today. Did you do any diets at same time like LCHF or did you just eat what you liked (within reason ie calories)
I had same sync issue. Ended up following myfitnesspal instructions to resync (disconnect from fitbit wait 15 then reconnect) This worked as now syncing again
I'm starting out again too... I had lost 10kg over spring/summer - worked hard at it to. Then as Winter approached and was here, I fell back to my old routine of eating crap at work, and not working out as much as too wet/cold. Weight just kept going back on each week. Now I have had to make another stand, and another 3-6…