Starting again

Hi all ;)


  • shrcpr
    shrcpr Posts: 885 Member
    Hi. Starting again, too. Have around 25 pounds to lose.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Work out what threw you off track last time and make sure you can avoid it this time or you will get the same result. Good luck.
  • Jarlax
    Jarlax Posts: 4 Member
    I'm starting out again too...
    I had lost 10kg over spring/summer - worked hard at it to.
    Then as Winter approached and was here, I fell back to my old routine of eating crap at work, and not working out as much as too wet/cold. Weight just kept going back on each week.
    Now I have had to make another stand, and another 3-6 months of hard work to get it off again.
    This time, I need to keep it off.