Definitely want to try this, sounds great!
When I first started on here I was set to just over 1200 and I was hungry all the time. Granted I was eating so much more then that before so it made sense that I would be hungry when I was now learning what a true portion size was and trying to take in less then I was burning (so I could lose all the past excess). I am…
I'm excited to check this out, those reese's eggs are even better then a peanutbutter cup in my opionion and I love them both so much!
My husband had migraines almost daily for 3 years before he was able to find a neurologist you could figure out how to help him. I'll have to get back to you on exactly what medicines he was given but he was admitted to the hospital for 3 days to be given whatever drug it was in an IV for those 3 days that was suppose to…
Love this post, thanks for all the links. I second the above advice, the machines and even the MFP exercise defaults tend to run much higher then my HRM.
This, definitely this, after all the moving around then followed either by a "sweet", "this can't be right?", or a "it most be water, i'm going to avoid you for a week and try again"
We just learned how to do this and you will likely not ever go back to store bought microwave when you see how easy and cheap it is. Place 1/4 cup of popcorn kernals in a brown paper bag and fold the top closed a couple of times (you can staple or tape, but you don't need to, also you can add some olive oil 1 tsp but you…
I'm glad you posted this, I have been having this same debate with myself and having the guilt associated with not eating has healthy as I should. I lost all of my weight by just calorie counting and I loved it because I didn't feel like I had to give up anything just cut down a lot or really work hard to burn more…
You look AMAZING!! Congratulations and good job with all of your dedication for a better you, that is so wonderful!
I eat my calories back and I've lost all the weight I wanted plus a few extra pounds (26lbs in all). For me it was nice motivation to work out because I knew I could eat more if I got my workout in and I do like eating :)
If you stick with logging your food and staying within your calories you really should be able to see results. It will take time so try not to get discouraged, it's hard not to sometimes, but just remember to rejoice with any progress. I offically started tracking my food intake in the middle of June and 5 months in I lost…
I've got a 8 mth old and am nursing also. I don't eat nearly as many calories as you listed but I just go by what MFP recommended but when it asked me my activity level I choose the next level up in order to allow more calories for nursing it that makes sense. I haven't noticed a drop at all in my production. But when I…