emeliasmith Member


  • Go up to at minimum 1200 calories so your body will not use your muscles as fuel only your fat and add in the olive and coconut oils. Being on that low calorie of a diet can actually trash your metabolism and eventually you will go into starvation mode and stop losing. Doctor's are not actually taught healthy nutrition…
  • After my last pregnancy I was able to lose all the weight plus 10 pounds more with MFP and diligent walking (a total of 30 pounds over about 8 months after I weaned). Now my second is 9 months and I am stuck 20 pounds above pre-pregnancy. Looking for support too! I have a goal to lose 40 pounds and get back to my lowest…
  • A lot of people don't know that if you have been a yo-yo dieter your body will take longer to let go of those pounds because of past inconsistency. Also as a woman you are designed to not lose weight! Just give it time, I am in the same boat only more complicated by breastfeeding. Frustrating.
  • I had my baby at home with no drugs at all and it was a very long labor (33 hours, 2 pushing hard) and I found it completely manageable. My daughter was just under 9 pounds. If you have enough support and your doctor lets your body do what it is designed to do it is doable. I firmly believe that if you start intervening it…