Drugs during labor



  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    I have posted this topic before, but I wanted to post it again for more suggestions!! I am 8 months pregnant and am trying to decide on what pain control method to use!! I had an epidural last time and do not want to go that route again!! What have other women found to be helpful in pain management during labor??

    my 1st baby was almost 9 lbs, epidural, all was good.

    baby #2 almost 10.5 pounds, no epidural, just a local.

    It was hands down, the worst experience of my life. They gave me a local and it wore off long before labor was over and they couldn't give me a 2nd one. While I did heal from the trauma of the pain, being in excruciating pain during something that is supposed to be a joyous event just isn't cool. I was so angry. The dr knew it would be an extremely large baby, and it was also well over due. (I was in for an induced labor, so plenty of time for the epidural, but they insisted on waiting)

    I'm not sure why you don't want an epidural, but with the 1st baby, they inserted it long before it was time as she was also an induced large baby but didn't actually use it until it was necessary, just a thought.

    My suggestion is that whatever you do decide to do, make sure the staff responsible for delivering your baby is well aware of what you want and that they respect that.

    **I just read that you didn't like the epidural because when it came time to push, you couldn't. A walking epidural will help this.
  • emeliasmith
    emeliasmith Posts: 4 Member
    I had my baby at home with no drugs at all and it was a very long labor (33 hours, 2 pushing hard) and I found it completely manageable. My daughter was just under 9 pounds. If you have enough support and your doctor lets your body do what it is designed to do it is doable. I firmly believe that if you start intervening it starts a chain reaction of man made complications. Give natural a chance! If you would like to read my birth story you can find it at www.mymainehomestead.blogspot.com.
  • Switty_Kitty
    Switty_Kitty Posts: 538 Member
    With my first son, I had Demerol....it sucked!! Did nothing for pain, just made you very stoned and groggy.
    With my second son, I labored in a tub...it made a world of difference. The thought of drugs never crossed my mind once.
    I was anti-epidural from day 1. The whole idea of a needle in my spine scared the hell out of me.

    Both kids blessed me with nasty back labour too.

    Good luck to you as you bring your little one into the world!
  • Yellowlass
    I had epidurals with both mine and gas and air:~O
  • annemckee
    annemckee Posts: 170 Member
    Gas and air only, for all four. It can be done without loads of chemicals
  • alvalaurie
    alvalaurie Posts: 369 Member
    I'm not alot of help here. I am allergic to most medications (as well as everything else God put on this earth) so I chose to go completely natural with both of mine. I guess it was painful, but honestly I can't remember! I remember having the mentality that it's pain with a purpose & squeezed the hell outta my Mom's hand & both arrived safe and sound (first took 19 hrs, second was here in 3hrs! :noway: ). You can do it if you set your mind to it; just like anything in life. Good luck!
  • lewshetland
    lewshetland Posts: 52 Member
    I found that the baby and labour dictated what happened and any plans that I had went out the window. Both my labours strongly reflect some of my children's personality.
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    I'm no help, sorry. My epidural was fab-u-lous!!!! They had me soooo numb (I didn't ask for that) that they pretty much could have done a c-section on me and I wouldn't have felt a thing. It was perfect!!!

    My foot fell off the bed at some point, I watched it happen and even though I was strongly willing my leg to MOVE back on to the bed, I couldn't move it!!! I had to ask my husband to please move my foot back...LOL It was hilarious!!

    LOL this made me laugh!

    For those of you thinking of doing IV meds vs. just getting the epi, do the epi! Less meds actually get passed through the placenta (<1%) with the epidural...with pain meds it only takes the edge off and passes freely through the placenta. It can also make you nauseated and give you that drugged feeling, while the epi does that less. Or you can go for a natural birth! Whatever works best for YOU is what you should do. There is no right way!!
  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member
    I was 21 when I had my son. I had contractions when I woke up in the morning, went to the doctor and got sent home saying it would take awhile. My sister was with me but went to the store that afternoon to run errands before it was time. I remember meditation classes from school, so I did the whole mantra thing (Ommmm) and got into a deep state of relaxation for a couple hours. When evening fell, my water broke. It took my sister forever to get home and finally get me to the hospital. My midwife was up the hill and it was snowing so it took awhile for her to get to the hospital. By the time she did, it was too late to administer anything. This is TMI, but if they can do an episotomy while you're contracting without you feeling the difference, then you must be in a lot of pain! I don't think I pushed that long but in any case, I didn't get any drug relief for the pain. It was a matter of timing, not choice.

    If I ever have another, I will probably ask for an epi!