

  • Hi Betty, Firstly I'd like to thank you for writing this post as it's given me the chance to moan too and get things off my chest!! I really feel for you and know just how you feel! I started MFP last September as I'd managed to lose a bit of weight for our wedding in Feb last year but I still really wanted to lose more to…
  • HAHAHAHA! This bit is so read from my mind... "Don't fall into a tanning bed. These machines are for vapid, narcissistic idiots who have barren vacuums where their thoughs, fears and passions should be. Spending time in a tanning bed will only earn you the appearance and intellect of an inbred baked potato" Sorry for…
  • Hi there, the people saying you are ok to be on 1200 calories are right - MFP says this is how many I should have a day as my lifestyle is sedentary and I am not that overweight. I do however find that 1200 cals is not quite enough for my body each day (I do need to graze or I pass out!) so I deliberately overeat most days…
  • Hi there - two words for you for starters - DON'T PANIC! You can do this! My goal for each day is supposed to be 1200 calories, however if I stick exactly to this and only consume 1200 calories worth of food each day, (and I have done this on occasion for several weeks) I don't lose the 2 lbs a week that I'm supposed to -…
  • Thanks guys for all your support, kind words and in some cases, tough love! :wink: I'm overwhelmed at the response! :heart: I know that I'm the only one who can make the changes I need to get to where I want to be, it's just sometimes it's easy to forget that you can forgive yourself for falling off the wagon and start…